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Clearing of Farm Ridge Fire Trail

PostPosted: Mon 11 Mar, 2013 2:49 pm
by Mark F
Just back from a walk from Round Mountain - Farm Ridge and back via Round Mountain Fire Trail. I was rather disturbed to see the start of Farm Ridge FT had been recently cleared when walking down to the hut late on Friday evening. Next day when Farm Ridge came into view my heart stopped it looked like the whole trail had been cleared - great scar up the ridge. Fortunately the trail has been bulldozed down to the ford and up the other side only as far as the ridge top to where 4wd tankers can easily carry on along the old trail. I was concerned as it appeared the whole trail may have been cleared. Walking out on the Round Mountain FT we came across quite a large burnt area on the eastern side of the trail, and the trail there had also been cleared. I assume this clearing was to do with the fire.

The clearing on Farm Ridge won't last a winter, no attempt to establish drainage so I assume it was a emergency response and there is a huge pile of straw bales in the car park so hopefully they will get it stabilised and regenerated asap.

Re: Clearing of Farm Ridge Fire Trail

PostPosted: Sat 16 Mar, 2013 8:28 pm
by davidmorr
They have recently been dealing with big infestations of Orange Hawkweed in the Farm Ridge area. Could be something to do with this.