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Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Sun 23 Jun, 2013 4:47 pm
by bushtucker
Hi everyone,
I have read much about the Kanangra to Katoomba, however if it is reversed to instead start from Katoomba and finish in Kanangra, the car shuffle will be much easier (at least for us as less back tracking).
Would be very keen to know if anyone has done it this way? Or, if you have done the classic K2K normal way, do you think the elevation would be greater/equal/less to do it in the way I am suggesting? What are the downsides or upsides of starting in Katoomba vs Kanangra?
Also, is the river crossing passable in winter? Or would it simply be too cold?
Many, many thanks in advance for any feedback anyone out there could provide.
All the best,
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Mon 24 Jun, 2013 8:16 am
by Lotsafreshair
Hi Daniel,
If you think about the two big hills being Strongleg and YellowPup (even though the whole thing is undulating peaks!) I think most people would prefer to go down Strongleg (straight down the nose of a sharp ridge) and up Yellow Pup (switchbacks that wind around and around in a more gentle slope), than the other way around. That is the traditional route.
The other benefit of doing it the traditional way, is that the last approx 13km slog is along Narrowneck on Firetrail, so if you're exhausted and it's late - you don't need to worry too much about navigation once you're on this road, particularly if you're unfamiliar with this area.
I crossed the Coxs River about 10 days ago at Yellow Pup and the water wasn't too cold. To be honest, it's not the cold you need to worry about there, it's the river height which can change dramatically and quickly after rain, in the catchment and up to Lithgow. My club does the K2K in a day, once a year and even though they're tough, hardy types, they had to turn back at the bottom of Strongleg and return to Kanangra as the speed and height was around waist high and rushing past. Way too dangerous to cross. So it's imperative to check the river heights online before you go.
Oh and the other main benefit to doing it traditional way, is that there are numerous warm pubs / cafes in Katoomba and nada at Kanangra!
Have a good trip!
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Mon 24 Jun, 2013 9:54 am
by FatCanyoner
You could always do the K2K2K. It works out at about 95kms when you loop back via the Low Gangerang. No car shuffle at all then!
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Mon 24 Jun, 2013 10:27 am
by michael_p
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Mon 24 Jun, 2013 3:58 pm
by roysta
I think there are plenty of people in here that have done this walk in both directions and anywhere from 1 day to however many.
You've not mentioned how many days you're looking at.
As previously mentioned, Strongleg is a solid ridge, up or down.
Personally, I don't think it matters which direction you do it in, except if you're doing it in one day then ending in Katoomba is the way to go.
Just make sure you're all over the Coxs River height.
Most of the time it's a simple crossing, but some rain in the days before can quickly change that.
Good luck with it.
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Wed 26 Jun, 2013 11:03 am
by bushtucker
Hi everyone,
Thank you so much for replying; I have a much better insight into how to approach the K2K now. I am going to do it the traditional way and aiming for 2 days. As for the river crossing, I will be sure to check the height and rain beforehand etc to ensure it is safe.
Many thanks again,
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Wed 26 Jun, 2013 11:05 am
by bushtucker
Hi all,
One other question: it seems as though it is impossible to cross the river if it is running too high and the only option is to turn back - is that correct? Are there any detours to get over the river some other way? It would not be great to get there and then have to turn back because of the river being too high.
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Wed 26 Jun, 2013 11:28 am
by FatCanyoner
bushtucker wrote:it seems as though it is impossible to cross the river if it is running too high and the only option is to turn back - is that correct? Are there any detours to get over the river some other way?
No, there is no alternate route. If you look at the map you'll see the Coxs River carves through this entire region. There are no bridges or other crossing points. That is why it is so important to check the river levels online (and the weather forecast) before setting off. It is unusually to be impassable, but does get that way after heavy rain.
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Wed 26 Jun, 2013 1:18 pm
by puredingo
...And heavy rain there has been!
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Wed 26 Jun, 2013 1:59 pm
by FatCanyoner
Yep, something like 150mm of rain has fallen over the Warragamba catchment in the last 48 hours. The dam has started to spill, as of a hour or two back. I'd assume those two things mean the river is certainly uncrossable at the moment.
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Wed 26 Jun, 2013 2:09 pm
by climberman
A heap of that is from the 'dilly.
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Wed 26 Jun, 2013 10:34 pm
by DaveNoble
FatCanyoner wrote:No, there is no alternate route. If you look at the map you'll see the Coxs River carves through this entire region. There are no bridges or other crossing points. That is why it is so important to check the river levels online (and the weather forecast) before setting off. It is unusually to be impassable, but does get that way after heavy rain.
The Coxs River gauge at Kelpie Point, just before the river enters lake Burragorang has been off-line for a fair while now. So - no river level data available. The gauge upstream is pretty useless.
I would think the river would be swimmable except in very high levels. There are many quite safe places where you could swim over. I've had to do this on the odd trip - better than climbing back up Guouogang and walking to the Kanangra Rd and then hitching out.
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Fri 28 Jun, 2013 4:53 pm
by FatCanyoner
The following was just posted on Facebook by Blue Mountains Police Rescue:
About 2pm today Blue Mountains Police Rescue were notified of 2 bush walkers that were trapped by flood waters on the Coxs River below Mount Konangaroo.
As the group had registered detailed trip intentions with Police and had activated their personal distress beacon. A rescue helicopter was able to quickly located them and winch them to safety.
When bush walking in the Blue Mountains be aware that weather can sometimes change quickly. In heavy rain water levels in rivers and creeks can rise rapidly. Check the Bureau of Meteorology website for the latest weather forecast before departing.
Clearly not readers of!
On a more serious note, I'm not sure why flooding meant they needed to be rescued. They should simply have returned the way they'd come!
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Fri 28 Jun, 2013 6:20 pm
by DaveNoble
DaveNoble wrote:The Coxs River gauge at Kelpie Point, just before the river enters lake Burragorang has been off-line for a fair while now. So - no river level data available. The gauge upstream is pretty useless.
Hey!!! Its back online - ... Coxs_RiverDave
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Fri 28 Jun, 2013 7:55 pm
by DarrenM
I've noticed a few gauges go offline when there isn't significant rainfall. Kelpie point is one of those.
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Sat 29 Jun, 2013 8:00 am
by puredingo
Yes, the weather in the Blue mountains CAN change quickly but it's been raining pretty solid for over a week....What were they thinking?
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Sat 29 Jun, 2013 12:27 pm
by bushtucker
Hi all,
Thanks again for the detailed responses; so helpful! I am going late August so not too worried about the river levels at this present moment but will check them out prior to departing.
Thanks again for the tips and feedback.
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Sun 30 Jun, 2013 10:10 am
by Allchin09
And the Kelpie Point gauge is offline again...
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Sun 30 Jun, 2013 11:59 am
by DarrenM
Yep, it has fallen below the level that serves any real purpose. If the gauge is offline then the river is more than likely crossable. This doesn't take into account rain falling into the specific catchment and the delay in registering on the gauge, so if you are at Kanangra and the weather is fine, it doesn't necessarily mean by the time you get the crossing it'll be easy to cross.
Watch the local rainfall in the catchment for a while and check the gauge to build a profile of what you could reasonably expect after a day or two of rain. It can be quite variable so it requires time (homework) to build an understanding of local river heights.
This is quoted on the BOM River Height Data page...
2.The data is provided for flood warning purposes and most data will not be available during non flood periods.
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Tue 02 Jul, 2013 10:18 am
by Webguy
If the gauge is offline, it probably means the crocs ate it again.
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Sun 30 Mar, 2014 9:18 am
by JimmyJJ
Hi everyone,
Am hoping to do the K2K walk on a weekend somewhere between now and May and was wondering if anyone had some guidelines about crossing the Coxs using the Kelpie Point gauge?
It's currently up around 0.28m but looks like it moves up and down pretty quick. If anyone has any guidelines for river height and safe crossing, that would be greatly appreciated!
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Fri 25 Apr, 2014 5:00 pm
by ashleyf
jiimy, If you ARE looking to do it in reverse and need your car at the kanagra end, let me know. We (4 guys) are looking at walking in on Friday May 23'rd and probably have similar concerns, .
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Mon 12 May, 2014 10:30 am
by juxtaposer
When the river is up, if you don't like the idea of swimming, and provided the water is not flowing too fast, you can paddle across on a thermorest. A friend of mine once paddled a thermorest across Lake Burragorang and back.
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 2:05 pm
by khouw
What is the URL link that indicates the Cox's water height at bottom of Yellow Pup or thereabout?
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Thu 13 Nov, 2014 2:45 pm
by Allchin09
Here is the link from the BOM for their water level height gauge at Kelpi Point, which is just downstream of Yellow Pup.
Do note though that the gauge isn't always active. ... .plt.shtml
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Fri 14 Nov, 2014 11:21 am
by MrFaulty
Hi, can someone send me a GPS route for this walk so that I can have a look at it closer?
Re: Katoomba to Kanangra (reversing the famous K2K)
Fri 14 Nov, 2014 11:53 am
by michael_p
Sketch maps and walk info:
GPS track here (courtesy of forum member jonnosan): You will need to log into Everytrail to download the file.
Track on Open Street Maps: Starting from the Kanangra end.