GPSGuided wrote:So what does it mean when NPWS closes a trail? Given we are allowed to go off-trail at most places, what's stopping us from going, even if it's a few metres to one side?
It used to be a major fire trail which was used illegally by 4wd/motorbikes as far as I am aware. About 10 years ago the NPWS closed off this and several other trails in the lower Ettrema area to minimise illegal vehicle access. In the past it would have been a very easy to follow route for walking (and motorbikes, 4wd etc). What I am getting at is that when NPWS closes some trails they rip them with a dozer, pull logs and rocks over the path and cover them with scrub to increase regeneration- hence what was once easy to follow may now be well covered in vegetation. It would be completely legal to walk along it, but may be a right PITA if one is expecting a nice easy stroll along a fire trail. I may stand corrected and would be interested if anyone has more information.
kanangra wrote:Clarence,
Do you think the owner of Tollwong might have a few issues with me going through?
I was there in 2006 when the long term owners (the Crisps I think) had moved out and a new caretaker had moved in. We were made to park our car outside the property and walk around the fenceline to reach the Shoalhaven Gorge. I do not know what the current situation is with access and occupation of the Tolwong property. Back in the day the owners were liable to do all sorts of crazy things like start bushfires, push large items of rubbish over the cliff edge etc, real hillbilly material. There are some almighty piles of abandoned rubbish on the property. That being said out to the top of Tumbledown Point from the farm is pleasant walking. If you go between the buildings and the cliff edge you'd only be visible from the farm for a few hundred metres of it, not that I'm recommending you should or shouldn't go onto their property. I simply think the Shoalhaven Gorge is far more attractive. I have some notes on the passes into the gorge around Billy Bulloos crown and the route up tot he base of Badgerys if you want them.