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Peats Crater.

PostPosted: Sun 11 Aug, 2013 8:17 am
by kanangra
As Muogamarra NR is only open a few weekends a year I thought I would head up that way on Saturday morning. And what a glorious morning it was. I parked the car at Pie in the Sky and went in from there as the gate was still locked. At the "Y" junction I went around the gate on the right and down into the Crater. Once a dairy farm nature is slowly reclaiming the cleared area. There is a row of old English trees dividing what must have been the two paddocks originally. Here the old road ends and it becomes a single track. It heads west through rainforest beside a small creek and then over Muogamarra Ck. before emerging at the mangroves at the tidal head of Pete's Bight. Not far from here is an old stone wall. I fossicked around and turned up the foundations of the old Pete's Bight Guest house. I walked on along the southern shore of the Bight to the point looking out over the entrance to Berowra Ck. Bar Island seemed close across the bay. Here a small sign warned of private property ahead and so I turned back. This no doubt is the small settlement of Sunny Corner. Nice restaurant there, "Pete's Bite".

On the way back I visited Tippers Lkt. and the visitor centre which was just starting to open as I arrived. I was hoping to see some waratahs on the walk but didn't spot any. Perhaps a bit later. an excellent morning walk,


Re: Peats Crater.

PostPosted: Sun 11 Aug, 2013 8:30 am
by GPSGuided
Thanks for the reminder. Probably for next weekend. Interesting the official site has opening hours as 9-4:30.

Re: Peats Crater.

PostPosted: Sun 11 Aug, 2013 10:07 am
by Rob Gosford
kanangra wrote:As Muogamarra NR is only open a few weekends a year I thought I would head up that way on Saturday morning. And what a glorious morning it was.

hey guys,
yes, i past the Muogamarra NR open gates yesterday morning driving home from walking the scrub in ku-ring-gai. I have never been in Muogamarra NR before and i was wondering, once in, where do you park the car ? and are there any entrance or parking fees ? :?


Re: Peats Crater.

PostPosted: Sun 11 Aug, 2013 10:13 am
by GPSGuided
My first thoughts too. All answered on their official site. Based on Google Satellite view, there's parking space available down the dirt road by the activity centre. ... x?id=N0456

They warn volunteers of tick risk in the area. ... x?id=N0456

Re: Peats Crater.

PostPosted: Sun 11 Aug, 2013 12:32 pm
by kanangra
Yes there is an entrance fee of $10 a person I think. Parking is at the visitors centre. From there the walking tracks lead down hill to the Crater and the Bight.


Re: Peats Crater.

PostPosted: Sun 11 Aug, 2013 3:30 pm
by GPSGuided
Q: What's the cultural significance of the area? Didn't read much on the web page.

Re: Peats Crater.

PostPosted: Sun 11 Aug, 2013 4:23 pm
by kanangra
Quite a lot of indigenous engravings, some very close to the road in. Apparently also some stencils but I have not seen those. The Bight was settled very early, c.1830's. The road in was constructed by convict labour. The stone work on the supports and culverts is well preserved. Peat has lent his name to quite a few features, island, ridge etc. He operated the ferry from Kangaroo Pt across the Hawkesbury river to Mooney Mooney. You can still trace some of the old Peats Ferry rd up at Cowan and in the reserve. Hard to believe now but the Hawkesbury wasn't bridged for the Pacific Hwy. until 1945! The railway was across a lot earlier of course.


Re: Peats Crater.

PostPosted: Sun 11 Aug, 2013 4:39 pm
by GPSGuided
Cheers Kanangra. Will seek.

Re: Peats Crater.

PostPosted: Mon 12 Aug, 2013 10:08 am
by Rob Gosford
kanangra wrote:Yes there is an entrance fee of $10 a person I think. Parking is at the visitors centre. From there the walking tracks lead down hill to the Crater and the Bight.


thanks for the info and links gentlemen. i'll bring some extra $$$.

GPSGuided wrote:They warn volunteers of tick risk in the area.

i'll bring some tweezers :lol: