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Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Sun 25 Aug, 2013 7:35 am
by kanangra
On Thursday I drove down to Brindabella. I will post a trip report when I get around to it. But on the first day I walked up the Long Plain rd. which is closed for winter. (NB this road can't be accessed by vehicles from the southern end any more) Anyway on the way up I passed a sign on my left announcing Bimberi Wilderness area. A little further on I turned off onto the Cooleman Ck track at a another sign. This one said Bramina Wilderness area. I'd never heard of that before. I followed the Cooleman ck. track for a couple of hours and it brought me out on Boundary Rd. (Here the snow was surprisingly deep. I could easily have skied but plodded along on foot instead. After about an hour I came to an intersection with the Broken Cart trail. Here two big signs said the Goobragandra wilderness area. My third wilderness area in only a few hours. Another sign showed 45km to Rules Pt and 26km to Cooleman Mt and 15km to Long Plain road. So I guess I was a fair way from anywhere?


Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Sun 25 Aug, 2013 4:31 pm
by WarrenH
kanangra wrote: So I guess I was a fair way from anywhere?

... but only a short hop, a small step and a little jump, from the Bobbys Plains Wilderness.


Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Sun 25 Aug, 2013 6:42 pm
by kanangra
Tell me more? :?:


Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Thu 29 Aug, 2013 5:49 pm
by WarrenH
Kanangra, G'day, and the Bogong Peaks Wilderness.

... and let's not overlook the Frost Plains of the North.


Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Thu 29 Aug, 2013 6:09 pm
by WarrenH
I'm into using the historic wilderness names for that areas, rather than the dumbed-down National Parks designated areas within park boundaries.

The Bimberi Wilderness now is only the Upper Cotter Catchment ... that's totally crazy. The Bramina Wilderness now is now only a relatively small area according to National Parks. Bramina doesn't stop being a wilderness at the ACT/NSW Border ... although National Parks thinks that it does.

Also UNESCO have standards for designating wilderness, now nowhere in NSW, is a wilderness according to UNESCO.


Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Sat 31 Aug, 2013 6:51 pm
by Supertramp
WarrenH wrote:I'm into using the historic wilderness names for that areas, rather than the dumbed-down National Parks designated areas within park boundaries.

The Bimberi Wilderness now is only the Upper Cotter Catchment ... that's totally crazy.

Where did you get this information from?

Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Sun 01 Sep, 2013 8:17 pm
by WarrenH
From history. I have a passion for the history of the region.

Why, do you think that a wilderness is only something that is gazetted and named within National Parks?


Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Mon 02 Sep, 2013 6:22 pm
by Supertramp
Sorry Warren I don't think you should jump to conclusions so quickly!
Care to elaborate exactly where you got this information from?

Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Mon 02 Sep, 2013 6:31 pm
by Supertramp
The reason I ask, is that you cannot camp in the Cotter catchment, yet you can camp within Bimberi Wilderness? Why is this? Why is PACS still referring to Bimberi wilderness as exactly that? Why are all the signs that I have ever seen about Bimberi wilderness still specifying that it's still called Bimberi wilderness area?

What have I missed here?
Again I would love to know exactly where you got your information from??


Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Tue 03 Sep, 2013 9:39 am
by WarrenH
From reading selected works by people like, WB Clarke, JC Legge, RH Cambage, J Flood, I Gillespie, N Peterson and G Peterson, M Franklin, A Colley, R Etheridge, J Martin, WS Leigh, D Stewart, JC Newman, NB Tindale, G Bennett, P Prineus, H Gold, E Scott, W Hovell, H Hume, A Wilson, AEJ Andrews, J Bennett, K Heuneke (I did a lot of photography for KH over several years and talked to him frequently), J Bridle, P Helman, P Pallin, G Mayo (I used to work with Gary Mayo), J Fitzpatrick (several of Jim Fitzpatrick's works, I've read several times) what ever I could find from the Dunphys and E Mitchell ... to name a few.


Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Tue 03 Sep, 2013 9:58 am
by WarrenH
Supertramp wrote:Again I would love to know exactly where you got your information from??

... and of course from old maps. Particularly the old Travelling Stock Route maps.


Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Tue 03 Sep, 2013 10:52 am
by WarrenH
... and M Franklin. Franklin grew up at Coolamine. Many of the property owners in the Southern ACT and around Yaouk are the descendents of of the first settlers in the region. I've talked to several of them, like the Lutons and the Brayshaws. Also on the ABC Radio site there are tapes from the descendents of a few of the early settlers of this region.

I've been collecting images of paintings (from the web particularly images of this region, over 6,000 images I've collected now). Ofter the titles of the paintings by early artists like, Reg Campbell, Robert Campbell, Buckmaster, Colman, Collier, Copes, Coutts, Cox, Craig, Davidson, Davies and Daws, Duffy, Dundas, Esling, Fennell, Forrest, Gruner, Gallop, Griffiths, Harcourt, Hamell, Hanke and Hansen, JR Jackson, C Jackson, Lawrence, Leonard Long (Long is 100 and still paints and lives in Yass region) and Rowell etc, have the old regional names in their titles.


Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Tue 03 Sep, 2013 11:53 am
by Supertramp
I respect the amount of knowledge that you have about the area and you sure do have a good list books, images, people and tapes that you have got your information from.

I work for PACS and have never heard anyone call that area "upper cotter catchment" technically part of it is in the upper cotter catchment, but again I have never heard that & cannot find any information about it anywhere.


Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Tue 03 Sep, 2013 6:23 pm
by WarrenH
Supertramp wrote:
I work for PACS and have never heard anyone call that area "upper cotter catchment" technically part of it is in the upper cotter catchment, but again I have never heard that & cannot find any information about it anywhere.


That's no good.

How about this report from PACS ... ... port_4.pdf

Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Tue 03 Sep, 2013 6:57 pm
by Supertramp
Whats not good, is that you seem to post information from 1990.

Seeing as your referring to documents from 1990, was that not the same year that they officially declared Bimberi Wilderness area as just that? Which came first? ... 90%20A.pdf

Unless your information that you posted, was published in the last 3 months of 1990 I believe that Bimberi Wilderness, was confirmed after the information you posted was published.

Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Tue 03 Sep, 2013 7:42 pm
by WarrenH
Dupe post.

Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Tue 03 Sep, 2013 7:45 pm
by WarrenH
Supertramp wrote:Whats not good, is that you seem to post information from 1990.

Your lack of comprehension. I'm sure that I wrote earlier, that I like the historic names for this region.

... but you have now heard about it or are you in denial that the Upper Cotter Catchment still (actually) exist after 1990?

I'm in two minds whether to posts images ... I'm getting the drift that they wouldn't be appreciated here?


Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Tue 03 Sep, 2013 8:30 pm
by Supertramp
WarrenH wrote:I'm into using the historic wilderness names for that areas, rather than the dumbed-down National Parks designated areas within park boundaries.

The Bimberi Wilderness now is only the Upper Cotter Catchment ... that's totally crazy.


Wild Wassa,

You seem to fob off my question as to which has come most recently.
You made it sound like it was recently that the name had been changed.

You say I lack comprehension, why is this?
Your comment was that the "Bimberi Wilderness Area, is now called the Upper Cotter Catchment" yet the information I provided, suggested that the (Upper Cotter Catchment) that you were talking about, was later called the Bimberi Wilderness Area. You have not provided any information backing up your claim (where as I have provided information that in fact counteracts your claim) yet I'm still wrong?

At the end of the day Warren, I have asked for clarification as to where you got this information from (as I love to know as much about the ACT as I possibly can) which you then answered with "history" then what seemed to be a rude comment straight after that.
I then had to ask again where your information came from & asked you a few questions as well. None were answered, you threw up a list of peoples books that you have read, story's that you have heard and that you've gathered up to 6000 (some possibly illegally copied) photos off of the internet (this almost seemed like it was to imitate me somehow) but again you did not answer one of my questions?

You can change the subject all you like but you have not properly answered any one of my questions that I have asked you in the whole entire thread.

Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Tue 03 Sep, 2013 8:37 pm
by Supertramp
Look like I have to find some recent information myself: ... -9-08_.pdf

Looks like it's possibly called either these days (don't try to say you were right and I was wrong, cause I have already provided more recent information that counteracts what you were basing you original opinion on).
It's funny because this is the only information about it that I have found so far? I was looking at maps that were only referring to it as Bimberi Wilderness Area, some of those were from 2013 by Geoscience as well.

Warren, you said earlier that Bimberi Wilderness Area is now known only as the Upper Cotter Catchment, this information

Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Tue 03 Sep, 2013 8:46 pm
by Supertramp
Warren, you said earlier that Bimberi Wilderness Area is now known only as the Upper Cotter Catchment, this information proves that you were wrong.

Sorry Kanangra for sort of overtaking your thread, sounds like you had a very nice walk the other day.

Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Tue 03 Sep, 2013 8:50 pm
by Supertramp
WarrenH wrote:
Supertramp wrote:I'm in two minds whether to posts images ... I'm getting the drift that they wouldn't be appreciated here?

Post all the images you want, but unless it's a factual document specifying that what you said is right, I wouldn't bother!

Re: Three Wilderness Areas in the One Day?

PostPosted: Tue 03 Sep, 2013 9:01 pm
by Supertramp
I'm going to stop right here, all I was after was some helpful information from you, but you couldn't even provide that.

I'm happy to admit that I have now learnt that it is possibly called either (I say possibly as this is the only document specifying both names), the question is are you?