Walking from Mt. Victoria to Victoria Falls Road

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Walking from Mt. Victoria to Victoria Falls Road

Postby skibug » Thu 05 Sep, 2013 10:55 am

Greetings everyone,

I'm just wondering if there is a path/track/short-cut/route etc. from Mt Victoria station to the Victoria Falls road WITHOUT having to walk alongside the highway? I've been pixel peeping on Google Earth but I still can't tell. I'm really reluctant to walk on the shoulder of the road through there - I picture every truck barreling towards me as the last thing I'll ever see! ;>)

Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Walking from Mt. Victoria to Victoria Falls Road

Postby kanangra » Thu 05 Sep, 2013 11:19 am

There sure is. You drop down and cross a flat grassy gully and come up on the road. There is no track as such. Just follow your nose. It starts near private property.

Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Walking from Mt. Victoria to Victoria Falls Road

Postby DaveNoble » Thu 05 Sep, 2013 6:15 pm

You can walk quite safely from the station - if you are sensible. Walk up the hill and turn left on the street past the flicks, then to the Highway, walk along a footpath for the first bit, till it runs out - then, with care, cross the Highway, to a rough path on the south side, follow it to the railway bridge. Do not cross the bridge, walk another 20m or so and cross and old footbridge over the railway line, then back to the Highway, cross again (with care) - then take a rough track on the left, leaving the Highway. It goes through an old MTB park, and soon joins a side road about 50m from the Victoria Falls Road.

It is not worth walking close to the railway line on the north side of the line - too many fences to cross and private land issues. Kanangra's suggestion may be worth trying.

Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Walking from Mt. Victoria to Victoria Falls Road

Postby skibug » Sat 07 Sep, 2013 6:07 pm

Kanangra wrote:

"There sure is. You drop down and cross a flat grassy gully and come up on the road. There is no track as such. Just follow your nose. It starts near private property."

Thanks kanangra - could you give me some more detail, please - do you mean head basically due east from the station, or do I look for "Leon St." (as shown on Google earth) and head toward the pylon at the end of the service trail on the east side of that gully. On Google earth, that gully looks to me like a bit of a bush-bash, not grassy. Am I mis-interpreting? Have you done it recently? Thanks in advance,

Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Walking from Mt. Victoria to Victoria Falls Road

Postby kanangra » Mon 09 Sep, 2013 9:28 am

Mate it has been a while and has been shown my memory can be a bit hazy. But I know that I got out of the train on the northern side of the line and made my way across to the Vic Falls Rd without crossing either the railway or the hughway Now I distinctly recall an area of private property which i skirted around before dropping into a shallow grassy gully that was quite flat. I then made my way up the other side through the rocks and out onto a road. The first road i came to was the power line access road. Here I turned right and then left onto the road out to Victoria Falls Lkt. Basically I just followed my nose and dont recall any problems.

Once at the falls I walked down into the valley and then down to Blue Gum then up to Junction Rock before exiting at Govetts Leap. I then walked up to Blackheath where I caught the train home. A very enjoyable day all round.

Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Walking from Mt. Victoria to Victoria Falls Road

Postby skibug » Tue 10 Sep, 2013 11:23 am

Thanks kanangra, that matches exactly with the Google image, I'm just surprised that that gully was grassy, as my experience is that quite often what looks to be an easy stroll across a lawned gully on GE, turns out to be a shirt-tearing, no-holds-barred wrestling-match with thick, but lush, scrub.

That short-cut does look a lot more interesting and fun, though, than walking the highway.

Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Walking from Mt. Victoria to Victoria Falls Road

Postby kanangra » Tue 10 Sep, 2013 11:26 am

Skibug. I hope it still is. You know how quickly bracken fern amd other regrowth can spring up. Let me know how you get on.

Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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