The original Narrow Neck walking track

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The original Narrow Neck walking track

Postby Allchin09 » Tue 01 Oct, 2013 11:55 am


Does anyone know what the condition of the old Narrow Neck walking track is at the moment? I'm sure in the 50 or so years since the firetrail was put in, the track has become quite overgrown, but I would be quite interested to find out if the whole length, or what parts of the track, are still walkable.

I've walked a section from the locked gate, southward before, but I haven't heard of other parted being walked in recent times.
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Re: The original Narrow Neck walking track

Postby DaveNoble » Tue 01 Oct, 2013 1:17 pm

I walked a fair bit of it as a kid, and it was quite overgrown then (back in the 1960's). The last time I saw the track was on a trip to Red Ledge Pass - the Red Ledge track crosses the old track at one point - and was pretty obvious. It would be interesting to follow it near Glen Raphael Swamp - where a lot of people used to camp (but probably very overgrown!)

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Re: The original Narrow Neck walking track

Postby Allchin09 » Tue 01 Oct, 2013 2:06 pm

I'm doing a walk this week along Narrow Neck covering Redledge - Dunphys - Harmil - Carlons so I will definitely keep my eyes peeled for the track around Redledge. The Gangerang sketch map shows the track south from Fools Paradise, and it looks like it looks like it would be a good way to connect the top of Dunphys with the start of Harmil. It would also pass the campsite you mention, but I don't think my chances of finding it are too high.
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Re: The original Narrow Neck walking track

Postby jonnosan » Wed 02 Oct, 2013 2:26 am

Which side of the firetrail is it at the locked gate?
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Re: The original Narrow Neck walking track

Postby Grabeach » Wed 02 Oct, 2013 7:39 am

In the mid 80s the track could be found part way up the concrete road on the west side and followed down to where it crossed the creek just above Diamond Spray. Overgrown, but easy to follow because it was a single pad well worn into the ground. Sometime after that someone improved the shortcut from the gate down to intersect the track. Use of the section north of here ceased. The eroded pad is undoubtedly still there, but probably completely overgrown by now. The section down to the falls had the worst erosion, at times half a metre into the ground. A number of side tracks then developed. By the mid 90s it was a mess and still is.

From the falls, it is easily followed south, being well worn but somewhat overgrown. It eventually intersects an old vehicle track, from which a pad was made down to the Redledge east entry cleft. From the vehicle track south it was pretty vague. I doubt any of it could be found now. There are tracks associated with the camping area at the head of Corral Ck and a noticeable pad utilizing the top section of Rock Pile Pass down to a climbing area. Unlikely any of these are the original walkers track.

Back in the 80s we did stumble on a few sections of the track out towards the fire tower. More of curiosity value than of any use, and probably would have disappeared by now.
I walked the high ground between the fire tower / top of Harmil and top of Dunphys a number of times, but have not come across any signs of the track, though I did come across the remains of the © marked on the sketch map. There is a pad from a small flat area at creek level (possibly the ‘w’ on the sketch map) leading up to the road, but your guess is as good as mine as to whether this is the original track. Note that the sketch map incorrectly shows the bend in the creek as close to the top of the falls, it is actually about 500m.
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Re: The original Narrow Neck walking track

Postby Allchin09 » Wed 02 Oct, 2013 9:37 am

Jonno - I believe the walking track is on the western side of the FT at the locked gate. As Grabeach says, there is a track leading from the gate down to Diamond Spray Falls. This doesn't seem to be the original track, but the original track did visit Diamond Spray Falls. It then stayed West of Diamond Ck and the current FT, but passed the top of Corral Ck in a similar location to that of the FT. The route along the second neck also appears similar, and the map shows it passing through two large boulders, which the FT also currently does. From there, you can look at the Gangerang map to see where it goes.

Grabeach - Thanks for the information. I thought the overgrown state was highly likely. It would be interesting if the original (or just a track) was found and reused, it would sure make the Narrow Neck bash a much more interesting one!

I have noticed the track at Corral Ck, just after you make the sharp RH turn to face west. I have never had the time to check it out. Is this the track to your infamous Rock Pile pass?

Good to hear you came across the old campsite, I would like to find it when I get the chance. Thanks for the heads up about the location of the creek.

You haven't happen to come across any "Great Sphinx" rock formation in your travels around that area have you? It's marked on the small headland just East of where Dunphys Pass starts. The word "Rim" on the Gangerang map is in the same location.
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Re: The original Narrow Neck walking track

Postby Grabeach » Wed 02 Oct, 2013 11:47 am

Funny you should mention The Great Sphinx. We only recently noticed it on some scans John Cooper took of Dunphys maps in the Mitchell Library, so I went on his Bush Club Dunphys - Harmil walk specifically to have a look. The full terminology, which is important, is "Great Sphinx 'Sun in the Eye' view" from the point on the map.

The Sphinx is actually a not very convincing view of the headland to the west. However if you look closely there is a hole through this headland. This is where it gets interesting. After considering the time of year and time of day positions of the sun, I believe that in the late afternoon for a few days in summer the sun will shine through the hole and onto the terrace. Hence the name. I guess Dunphy just happened to be at the right place at the right time to observe this.

By the way, I found on 15/10/88 (I was going to run a 25th Anniversary walk, but my knee has stuffed that idea) that if you follow that terrace east past the 'view' spot you can get into Breakfast Ck above the falls, and hence up to the road. The route is still open, but to my knowledge never used. Note that Dunphy has written "Stop" on his map, probably for good reason. It is not for the faint hearted.
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Re: The original Narrow Neck walking track

Postby Allchin09 » Wed 02 Oct, 2013 1:04 pm

Grabeach - Wow, that's quite interesting! I will have to check out the formation tomorrow if I get the chance.

The traverse that you describe sounds interesting as well, but unfortunatly I don't think I will have time to venture along it this time...
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Re: The original Narrow Neck walking track

Postby Grabeach » Wed 02 Oct, 2013 3:18 pm

Missed one of your questions. The track you mention heads to the 'camping area'. A couple of tracks lead off from here. The one on the left eventually branches into two, the right branch going down to the top section of Rock Pile Pass onto the pile of rocks, now with unnecessary bolts and ropes. The left goes to a rock climbers bolted short cut (really annoys me when someone puts in a bolted descent route just to save themselves five minutes). Once on the terrace you can go right eventually ending up at Redledge or head left past the climbing area to the end of the terrace. From the latter you can descend the lower section of Rock Pile Pass through the lower cliff line, though it is easier to find from the bottom.

Also note from your Profile that you're from The Shire; anywhere near Lilli Pilli?
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Re: The original Narrow Neck walking track

Postby Allchin09 » Wed 02 Oct, 2013 3:31 pm

Grabeach - Hmm, sounds like I the rock climbers are quite active in that area.

Is Dolans Bay close enough?
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Re: The original Narrow Neck walking track

Postby Allchin09 » Fri 11 Oct, 2013 8:12 pm

I ended up doing a Redledge - Dunphys - Harmil - Carlons Narrow Neck passes walk last week. I didn't come across any obvious signs of the original track, though we didn't spend any real time looking as it wasn't the focus of the walk. We also walked straight up the guts of Glenraphael Swamp, when going from Dunphys to Harmil, and I didn't see any signs of the old camp.

I think I'll have to dedicate a trip to exploring the area when I get the chance.
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