Tumut River Packrafting.

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Tumut River Packrafting.

Postby kanangra » Fri 04 Oct, 2013 7:56 am

My wife and I spent a couple of days staying at Tumut earlier in the week and as the water levels looked good I decided to packraft the river. I put in at the bridge on the Snowy Mts. Hwy and paddled back down to town. Now i guess by most standards it was pretty tame with only small Grade 1 rapids but there was a strong current the whole way and I found the whole trip very enjoyable. Even though it passes through grazing country the water quality was excellent and the views from the river were good. After a couple of hours I floated under a bridge and then the Goobragandra River came in on the right. NB there is a very pretty park at the junction. From here it was only about 45 mins to town where I passed under another bridge just past the racecourse. There were even some tall river gums still surviving on the banks. Highlight of our stay for me.

Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Tumut River Packrafting.

Postby Wollemi » Fri 04 Oct, 2013 10:09 am

Did you consider encouraging your wife to share the packraft with you, then getting a taxi or running back to your car.

Yes - I have done all of this kind of thing; it disappoints to see so many women playing caddy with outdoor pursuits. What was the highlight of your stay for your wife?
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Tumut River Packrafting.

Postby kanangra » Fri 04 Oct, 2013 10:14 am

Mate it never occurred to me because these days she is not really into that sort of thing. Just as well because I set off at 4:50PM which was too late as it turned out. It was well after dark when I got back. She was wandering the river bank looking for me. I copped a bit of grief over that. I didn't allow for all the meanders in the river on the flood plain. :oops:

Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Tumut River Packrafting.

Postby Nuts » Fri 04 Oct, 2013 10:20 am

Tumut is a pretty place, we did the section through town on various craft and had some close calls with swings and swims as kids. It can run very deep and fast and has claimed it's share of lives but good memories mostly.

Nice country though, Goobragandra next? Any piccies? :)
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Re: Tumut River Packrafting.

Postby kanangra » Fri 04 Oct, 2013 10:46 am

I have a couple. I will try and post.

Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Tumut River Packrafting.

Postby DarrenM » Fri 04 Oct, 2013 9:51 pm

Good stuff Kanangra. Pretty area
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