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Kosi over Xmas with everyone else

PostPosted: Mon 16 Dec, 2013 1:28 pm
by Grantmac
Hi all,

I have been looking at some posts for information of doing some hikes in Kosi NP over Xmas and getting some very good ideas, thanks everyone for replying and helping out with advice. One quextion I do have is I am starting to get into more light weight setups and was thinking of just taking my tarp and ground sheet but I wanted to know if other s do this and what sort of conditions the tarp can take, I usually would use my Hilleberg Nammatj but at 3kgs if I can get away with not taking it I will. Any further advice for the area and gear would be welcomed. Oh just for info I am looking at a few days out on Main Range or a bit further to the north.

Thanks for all the good info on this site.



Re: Kosi over Xmas with everyone else

PostPosted: Mon 16 Dec, 2013 1:51 pm
by dugsuth
I have used my TT Rainbow on the Main Range a few times, and more recently at Guthega. I have never been in bad weather though so it may not be a good indicator, only some strongish wind and some light rain. I find choosing a good camping spot is half the issue though, a TT in a spot between some boulders or a bit protected is going to be fine. It's just that time when you're caught in some bad weather and can't be picky that it might be an issue.

Re: Kosi over Xmas with everyone else

PostPosted: Mon 16 Dec, 2013 5:17 pm
by Kingsleythelost
I took a double raindow up to Kosi a couple of weekends ago when there was snow on the ground and -3 but a good sleeping bag, mat and silk liner i was fine, Toastie warm!

I was thanking my gear was light weight going through snow upto my waste and falling on my *&%$#! 20 times!

Re: Kosi over Xmas with everyone else

PostPosted: Mon 16 Dec, 2013 5:33 pm
by DarrenM
Hi Grant,

Sounds like a fun plan! I think it's less about the setup and more about the forecast which will only be determined 3-4 days out.

The biggest factor on the Main Range is the wind and even the valleys can produce some brutal squalls. I know it's stating the obvious but the BOM alpine forecast is one place to monitor in the lead up. I usually have a plan A setup and plan B setup of which I choose a few days out.

When its good, its great....when its average...well things can be marginal if you're under gunned.

Re: Kosi over Xmas with everyone else

PostPosted: Mon 16 Dec, 2013 6:05 pm
by Mark F
If you are in the more northerly regions and can reach trees then a tarp is likely to be fine. If it really craps out there is usually a hut nearby. From Kossie to Schlink you really need an enclosed shelter - even a hexamid or such - not a flat tarp.

Re: Kosi over Xmas with everyone else

PostPosted: Mon 16 Dec, 2013 7:39 pm
by Grantmac
Thanks for the advice guys, I appreciate it. I think if flies are an issue this time of year I might need an inner bug net and with the uncertainty of the weather I will take the bunker with me. Not that I don't like it just don't like carrying it. Hmm maybe the gf wouldn't mind haha. I think I will be sticking around Main Range Track for this trip.