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Burning Mountain, Wingen

PostPosted: Sat 01 Mar, 2014 11:27 am
by GPSGuided
Been reading up on the environmentally damaging Morwell coal fire just now and came across mentions of the 'Burning Mountain' of Wingen, along the New England Hwy. Apparently it has been burning for the last 6000 years. Looking further, it's listed as a natural reserve with walking tracks and camp site. Anyone been there? ... x?id=N0503

It's a bit of a way to drive from Sydney, but what are some other good camp spots and walk trails along the route to turn it into a 3-4 day trip?

Below is a photo of the Morwell coal fire. Pretty shocking.

Re: Burning Mountain, Wingen

PostPosted: Sat 01 Mar, 2014 11:56 am
by Giddy_up
I remember going there as a child. If i remember correctly the smell of sulphur hit you as soon as you got out if the car. There are places on the mountain that it vents and they were hot to the touch. Lightening strike was the ignition source I think GPS, there was a sign in the car park explaining it all.

It was 30+ years ago.........

Re: Burning Mountain, Wingen

PostPosted: Sat 01 Mar, 2014 12:06 pm
by GPSGuided
Thanks Giddy_up! If the sulphur smell was so strong, then I guess it may not be an ideal location to camp.

Re: Burning Mountain, Wingen

PostPosted: Sat 01 Mar, 2014 12:13 pm
by Giddy_up
You could camp there, you would just need the wind in the right quarter.

Re: Burning Mountain, Wingen

PostPosted: Sat 01 Mar, 2014 12:44 pm
by GPSGuided
Good point.

Re: Burning Mountain, Wingen

PostPosted: Sat 01 Mar, 2014 2:00 pm
by DarrenM
I visited about 30 years ago also....and yes the smell was quite strong. I've been meaning to return for years but just haven't got around to it.

Re: Burning Mountain, Wingen

PostPosted: Sat 01 Mar, 2014 2:57 pm
by GPSGuided
30 years ago, was that when the reserve was opened?

Re: Burning Mountain, Wingen

PostPosted: Sat 01 Mar, 2014 3:34 pm
by Giddy_up
That would have been about right I reckon, went there with my dad on way down to see his brother. I ended up doing some school project on it, complete with diorama.

Re: Burning Mountain, Wingen

PostPosted: Sun 02 Mar, 2014 12:19 pm
by kjbeath
Options for an extended trip would be either to drive further to Barrington Tops. Either from Scone head up to the Mt Royal area, or from Scone head to Polblue (note it can be cold any time of the year).

If returning to Sydney there are a lot of options. Nice one is to head across the top of Wollemi to Rylestone. Can have a night at Munghorn Gap NP, and a side trip into Widden Valley. Dunns Swamp is nice and there are other options on the way back to Sydney.

Other alternative was back are the Putty Rd, or down through Yengo to St Albans, or closer to the coast through the Watagans.

Re: Burning Mountain, Wingen

PostPosted: Sun 02 Mar, 2014 1:25 pm
by GPSGuided
Thanks Kjbeath. I'll explore some of the options. Maybe during the April school holidays.

Re: Burning Mountain, Wingen

PostPosted: Mon 03 Mar, 2014 7:42 am
by jackhinde
It is not near as impressive as it was a while back, i guess the seam has dropped lower below the surface. In the late eighties there were vent holes with sulphur crystals (don't put a sample in your pocket, crystals plus sweat turns to acid and burns holes!) and a billy could be boiled on the hot earth. It is still worth checking out though, maybe as a quick excursion before a longer walk to the top of the Wingen Maid (npws in scone or someone at wingen pub can help with access to this impressive hill).

Burning Mountain, Wingen

PostPosted: Mon 03 Mar, 2014 7:56 am
by GPSGuided
Wingen Maid?

Re: Burning Mountain, Wingen

PostPosted: Mon 03 Mar, 2014 12:19 pm
by forest
I think it's interesting to visit but in the big scheme of a long drive from Sydney I'd plan it as a "on the way" thing to Barrington Tops or else where. It's not that far up the rd from Scone (Possible turn in point for Barrington Tops)
Dropped in a few years ago for a look. There's a short walk and plenty of gray nomads in the car park.

Re: Burning Mountain, Wingen

PostPosted: Mon 03 Mar, 2014 2:02 pm
by GPSGuided
Gray nomads. LOL! Yes, it does look to be a passing visit.