From the Blue Mountains LAC - NSW Police Force Facebook page (
Man injured using illegal rock swing – Blue Mountains
Issued at 12.20am, Monday 26 May 2014
A man was injured using an illegal rock swing in the Blue Mountains National Park yesterday.
About 1.45pm (Sunday 25 May 2014) people were allegedly using a giant swing system at Hanging Rock in Blackheath.
Inspector Peter Scheinflug, NSW Police Blue Mountains Duty Officer, said the extremely dangerous activity consists of rope being tied to a tree on Hanging Rock point and then people jump off a nearby cliff escarpment and free falling until stopped by the rope and pendulum swinging.
“Police have been told the 32-year-old took the jump and dropped about eight metres onto a ledge, fracturing both of his ankles and possibly his pelvis. He continued to swing and came to a stop about 50 metres from the top of Hanging Rock where others extricated him to the top of Hanging Rock as police rescue arrived,” he said.
“A short time later Ambulance Special Casualty Access Team attended. He was carried a short distance and winched out by Ambulance rescue helicopter and flown to Westmead Hospital for treatment
“It is shocking people take such risks and need to be warned about the obvious dangers. They are not only risking their own life, but the lives of those whose job it is to rescue them,” Insp Scheinflug said
A ranger from NSW National Parks and Wildlife attended and is investigating the alleged breach of their legislation (engage in activity risks safety of self /others).
It's interesting to consider the line at which the "engage in activity risks safety of self/others" is crossed. It's a pretty broad clause, open to much interpretation.
Obviously from a Police/NPWS perspective, bushwalking and canyoning fall on one side of that line, base jumping and rope swings on the other side (though base jumping is explicitly excluded by the plan of management, and bushwalking/canyoning are explicitly included).
I'd consider some of the things that I do when bushwalking or canyoning "risking safety of self/others", but I also consider them within the level of my skills/equipment. I'm sure there are people out there who think I'm crazy.
Many people have rope swung off Hanging Rock without serious incident, though there have certainly been near misses that don't make it on to the news (see Alex's link for example). I can't say I've ever done it, or base jumped, though I have abseiled off Hanging Rock. I wonder how these activities really stack up in terms of risk.
It's very hard to judge risk when you're not familiar with the activity. That's certainly my impression with non-canyoners and canyoning.