juxtaposer wrote:What about the flying fox there used to be at the bottom of White Dog. Is that still there?
I believe so.
jonnosan wrote:Allchin09 wrote:Jonno - If wet feet at the Coxs is stopping you from a Three Peaks walk, then I think you may also be in a spot of trouble at crossing Kanangra and Whalania Creek (not to mention the big climbs)! Haha.
Actually, that was exactly the point I was trying to make but I was perhaps too obtuse. Seems to me like a bridge may or may not be useful for people doing the K2K, but hardly undermines the challenge of the 3 peaks. If they were going to string an Indiana Jones style suspension bridge from Cloudmaker to Paralyser, that would be a different story of course.
I agree with you that the challenge is hardly undermined, but I don't think that's the point. The area involved is wilderness, and I believe that what makes walks in the area such as the Three Peaks and the K2K the fantastic walk that they are. Each Three Peaks trip is different, but once you start to install bridges and upgrade tracks, then I doubt this will remain the case.
As mentioned previously, the K2K isn't a track but a walk between two points. The route taken by each party varies, and isn't even marked on the topo maps between Cloudmaker and the Coxs for those who ascend via Strongleg. Will this remain the case once a definite point of crossing the Coxs is created?
tom_brennan wrote:A bridge is proposed over the Coxs River between the Wild Dogs and the Gangerang Range.
Nice use of the passive tense! A bridge doesn't just get "proposed". Someone has to propose it.
So, who is proposing a bridge over the Coxs River?
A wealthy Australian philanthropist has proposed to finance "an upgrade of the track between Kanangra and Katoomba". The proposal considers tent platforms as well as a toilet and water catchment tank at Dex Creek, Coxs River and Mobbs Swamp. Also included along with the bridge is a bypassing staircase of Tarros Ladders on Narrow Neck "completely hidden from view". Maps and walk guides are also proposed.