Linden Loop

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Linden Loop

Postby kanangra » Wed 02 Jul, 2014 3:39 pm

I did a great little trip this morning up in the Blue Mts. It was a gorgeous morning up there by the way. I parked at the Linden Observatory and jogged out past the pumping station and reservoir. Here the road turns to dirt. I followed the Linden FT until a single track branched off to the left at a right hand bend. NB there is a small sign post set back in the bush at the entrance to this track. This very pleasant track led out and around Mt Twiss and beyond. Just when I thought it would go on forever it ended abruptly at a rock out crop. The toppo map is actually spot on here.

Here I dropped off the right hand side of the ridge via a steep gully into Dawes Ck. Unlike most of the creeks that drain the northern side of the highway this one is pure because it takes its rise well north of any of the developed areas. So I was able to drink freely from the large pools in this remote spot.

I then headed straight up the other side. There were several rock bands all easily negotiated before I came out on the top of the ridge. Here I pushed through the scrub until I hit the single track out on the Linden Ridge. Here I turned right and followed this delightful track back to the main fire trail. Here I turned right again and jogged back past the turn off I had taken earlier in the morning thus completing the circuit. All I had to do now was retrace my outward steps back past the pumping station to the car at the gate.

The whole trip took 4.5 hours and I was at work in time for the afternoon. This is a really pleasant little walk along two delightful tracks with an off track section in the middle just to keep things interesting.

Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Linden Loop

Postby michael_p » Wed 02 Jul, 2014 7:01 pm

Thanks K. Nice report.

You explored a different area than the last time you were in that area. The Dawes Ck area sounds interesting.
One foot in front of the other.
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Re: Linden Loop

Postby GPSGuided » Wed 02 Jul, 2014 7:07 pm

Nice one. Creative with your walk/run plans!
Just move it!
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Re: Linden Loop

Postby Grabeach » Thu 03 Jul, 2014 12:37 am

An area I would like to get back into, knee and shoulder permitting. In the 90s I did a number of loop day walks heading out along Linden Ridge and coming back along Dawes Ridge. Water from Dawes Ck was a must. The furthest we got was the junction of the Linden Back Ladder and Wentworth Ck. One of these walks involved the north-south spur just north of where you headed up through the rock bands.

A few observations and questions to bring me up to date:-
1. I have always wanted to cycle then walk to the high point MGA 751,774 in the middle of the Callendina Loop. The Dawes Ridge trail was quite good for mountain bikes. How is it now?
2. The Linden Ridge trail north of MGA 699,722 was not as good as Dawes, but still fair in the early 90s. The ‘main’ trail was extended east from here following the mid 90s fire and the original trail entry 'disguised'. When I last rode out to the end in 1998 it was still quicker than walking, but the bike took a pounding. Probably quicker to walk it now. Would you agree?
3. Does the latest Springwood map still show the Linden trail all the way out to MGA 717,764?
4. There was a scout camp (or something similar) on the eastern side between the pumping station and the Linden Ridge / Dawes Ridge junction. Great for a cool shower on a hot day. Is it still there?
5. Loop walks can also be done between Faulconbridge Ridge and Linden Ridge, and Dawes Ridge and Lawson Ridge. Unfortunately water quality in the main creeks is not so good.
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Re: Linden Loop

Postby kanangra » Thu 03 Jul, 2014 9:34 am

Grabeach and here I was thinking I micht have been the first into Dawes Ck. Oh well. But to answer your questions;

1) I think you could ride a MTB out there although I personally wouldn't as it is quite narrow and the bush is overhanging in places. That said I did see tyre imprints so people are obviously still riding it.

2) Definitely. I cut the track at 702:742 and it was quite rough here with the bush closing in. Further north of here it really narrows down. I once walked this track its entire length having come up from the Grose.

3) Yes. But in fact it continues as a feint single track past that.

4) No. I saw absolutely no sign of it at all. Although that might explain the old pipeline running along side the track for a way past the pumping station. Checking the map I see it is private property for about 1km past the pumping station.

5) Agreed. I walked from the end of the main track on Linden Ridge down across Linden Ck and up the other side onto Faulconbridge Ridge. I came out near the heli pad. I have also walked from the lookout at the end of Lawson Ridge down across Woodford Ck and back up to Dawes Ridge. On that trip I hit the track at 675:730.

I have often thought of doing a trip against the grain of the country starting at my nephew's place in Winmalee. Down across Springwood Ck. then up and down into Faulconbridge Ck. Then up and down into Linden Ck. Then up and down into Dawes Ck. Then up and down into Woodford Ck. Then up and down into Wentworth Ck. Then out to Katoomba on the Mt Hay FT? I actually think that was the way the early explorers tried to do it. Taking a compass bearing on Mt Hay and setting off on a fixed march. A weekend should be enough?

Last edited by kanangra on Thu 03 Jul, 2014 9:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Linden Loop

Postby juxtaposer » Thu 03 Jul, 2014 9:35 am

Kanangra, in crossing Dawes Creek you might have been on or close to the line followed by Dawes himself in 1789. Grabeach, I have viewed it from all sides but have never been on the knoll in the Callendina Loop. I haven't heard of anyone being there. Dawes Ridge over "Surveystones Hill" is a handy route into this part of Wentworth Creek. Last time I was out that way I found the rare Pentachondra dehiscens first discovered by botanist Wayne Cherry on the George Caley Range in 1992, when he was out looking for Caley's original Luminous Valley, which he found.
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Re: Linden Loop

Postby kanangra » Thu 03 Jul, 2014 9:43 am

Juxtaposer that is an interesting thought. How good is it that it has not changed at all in the intervening 200 odd years. Just imagine him going up and down in and out of all those valleys. Talk about hard work. No wonder he gave up and turned back!

This Callendina Loop sounds a good place to try and visit. I might try and see if I can get out there some time soon?

Last edited by kanangra on Thu 03 Jul, 2014 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Linden Loop

Postby kanangra » Thu 03 Jul, 2014 10:14 am

Here are a couple of photos from the trip. The first one is of the small sign post at the start of the Dawes Ridge track.

P7020213 (Medium).JPG
Doesn't look like a NP sign post to me?

The second was of my route off Dawes ridge into Dawes Ck. This photo was taken from the other side on the way out. My route was generally down the gully in the centre.

P7020215 (Medium).JPG
Gully off Dawes Ridge into Dawes Ck.

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Re: Linden Loop

Postby jonnosan » Thu 03 Jul, 2014 4:16 pm

juxtaposer wrote:Grabeach, I have viewed it from all sides but have never been on the knoll in the Callendina Loop. I haven't heard of anyone being there

A small number of geocachers have been there at least, and I took an SUBW group out there last summer.
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Re: Linden Loop

Postby kanangra » Thu 03 Jul, 2014 4:24 pm

Oh. So it wont be a first ascent then. :( No matter. Still I can't see myself getting out there again for a couple of weeks.

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Re: Linden Loop

Postby juxtaposer » Thu 03 Jul, 2014 6:25 pm

Knoll-bagging geocachers ... found one on Mt. Moogan a few years back, where they'd left a box of junk.
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Re: Linden Loop

Postby Vern » Tue 08 Jul, 2014 8:20 pm

Do you use map my run or anything like that? Would be interesting to see it mapped. Sounds like a great run/walk.
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Re: Linden Loop

Postby kanangra » Fri 11 Jul, 2014 9:51 am

No not clever enough for that stuff I'm afraid. Though it is fairly easy to follow on a paper map.

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