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KNP - Bradneys Gap, Doubtful, Boobee

PostPosted: Mon 25 Aug, 2014 8:54 am
by Lophophaps
Advice is sought about Kosciuszko NP.

On the Cabramurra Road just out of Khancoban the Everards Flat Fire Trail goes towards Pretty Plain and Grey Mare Hut. I've walked or skied on all of this track, but have not visited most since the fires. The kilometre from the head of Pretty Plain Creek to the 1640 metre contour was quite slow going a few years ago, and the track was lost until about 175931, the start of the climb to the ridge.

Has anyone walked on the rest of this, from the Bradneys Gap Picnic Area, and if so, is there regrowth?

From Round Mountain Hut the Farm Ridge Fire Trail goes to the Tumut River, a relatively easy wet crossing. Downstream I've crossed Doubtful Creek at the Tumut several times, but again not for a while. My recollection is that the Doubtful is deeper than the Tumut, and is a bit tricky. Is this correct?

Finally, are there any valleys or ridges to avoid on the Boobee-Mackeys-Cesjacks route? As before I've walked and skied all of this but not for a while. I can recall getting tangled up in some slow nasty scrub near here and do not want to repeat the fun. TIA.

Re: KNP - Bradneys Gap, Doubtful, Boobee

PostPosted: Mon 25 Aug, 2014 5:46 pm
by north-north-west
Can't comment on Bradney's Gap, but if it's anything like the old Stromlo track I would expect it to be very badly overgrown.

Doubtful is usually a bit iffier than the Tumut in my experience, both deeper and more uneven, though I've only crossed it there twice. Other times I've wimped out by taking the 15 Mile and doing the water crossings via the bridges.
Far Bald to BooBee can be awkward if you get off the fire trail too early, and you need to pick the right line getting down to Happy Jacks Plain from the hut, but that's a short section of thicker stuff and doesn't take all that long to negotiate even if you hit the worst patch. And once down it's very easy country to Mackeys.
After that, only major issue I can think of en route to Cesjacks is the re-crossing of Doubtful - depends where you do it. Never had any scrub problems in that area, but I may just have been lucky.