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Track condition Beauchamps Falls BMNP?

PostPosted: Mon 08 Sep, 2014 3:19 pm
by skibug
Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone has walked the track beside Beauchamps Falls (heading down into the valley) lately, it was affected by a landslide some time ago, but reopened following some remediation work. It was a bit hairy in one spot with a narrow path above a big drop, wondering how it is now, a year on.



Re: Track condition Beauchamps Falls BMNP?

PostPosted: Mon 08 Sep, 2014 9:26 pm
by DaveNoble
The track is now fine - with a steel cable bolted to the rock to act as an aid. However, the general area is unstable and there could be more landslides and slips in the future.


Re: Track condition Beauchamps Falls BMNP?

PostPosted: Wed 17 Sep, 2014 11:54 am
by skibug
Thanks for the reply, Dave - it's good to know it's open and has had some (much needed) work done on it.
