I was up Mt Kelly on the weekend. Wonderful views, tough scrub.
The logbook at the summit was soaking wet and mouldy. Completely unusable. I did manage to open at a page 3/4 from the beginning and there was an entry from late 2013. The next page that I could open without damage was blank so not sure how many entries there are but looks like the book has been soaked for some time. The plastic bag it was in had some holes but generally the plastic around it would be keeping it from drying out. I left it out of the plastic and within the inner box in the hope it can dry out and be salvageable before another soaking. I guess the snow allows the water to get in as it was in the outer and inner metal box. The book and plastic bag should be replaced so if anyone is going up there bring a spare book. Might need a pen as well as I was not able to try the one that was there.
There was also a small laminated photo with some lat long coords on the back. I didn't check if the coords match Mt Kelly. I thought about it during the night and found the photo a little disturbing and no idea why that should be there and was going to remove it. I forgot in the morning. I am sure it was innocent when placed but breaks the karma of the beautiful mountain so I would be glad if someone can take it down that comes across it.