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2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Wed 06 May, 2015 9:10 pm
by bushnut
Hi everyone, I am thinking of doing the following circuit in the Warrumbungles in August:

- Start midday at Pincham
- Camp at Balor Hut
- Do the Bluff and Mt Exmouth
- Camp at Burbie Spring
- Off-track back to Pincham to complete the loop

Does this sound feasible? I realise that days 1 and 2 will be relative short but we'll need time to drive so actually trying to keep these shorter.

Any other campsites to consider? Any other summits we could possibly aim for to make it more challenging?

Any ideas/advice is appreciated. Thanks

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Thu 07 May, 2015 12:18 pm
by tom_brennan
Take the Dagda Short Cut on your way in, leave packs at Dagda Saddle, take a small pack, do the Grand High Tops, pick up water at Balor and camp at Dows.

Do Bluff Mountain and Mt Exmouth. Not sure I'd bother with Burbie exit. If you exit via West Spirey Creek (you can camp at Ogma or Pincham), then the next morning do Burbie Canyon and Belougery Split Rock before you go.

Because of the fires, I don't think off track walking is encouraged in that part of the park, but you could check.

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Thu 07 May, 2015 1:07 pm
by bushnut
Thanks very much Tom.

Is day 1 feasible if we arrive at Pincham at midday?

Also couldn't we just pick up extra water at Balor on our way through? Realise this would add a few extra kgs but the distances don't seem that great...

What about Febar and Macha Tors?

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Fri 08 May, 2015 12:22 am
by tom_brennan
Depends on how fast you are. Say 1:15 to Balor Hut, 0:20 to Dagda Saddle, 1:00 for the Grand High Tops loop back to Dagda (no packs), 0:20 to Dows. Less than 3:00 walking. Allow time to pick up some water at Balor (though you need to check that there is going to be water, otherwise you might be carrying it from Pincham).

I haven't done the Febar/Macha Tor loop but it would only add 0:30, so you could include them too. And yes you can pick water up the first time past Balor.

Mt Naman is also very cool, but it's a long drive and you don't sound like you have much time. ... photos.htm

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Fri 08 May, 2015 8:03 am
by bushnut
Thanks again Tom. Really helpful to get an idea of the timing.

Sounds like a good plan for a first time trip to the Warrumbungles. Might have to leave Mt Naman for another time as it does seem a fair way off.

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Fri 08 May, 2015 8:51 am
by idc1970
Hey Bushnut,

I did Pincham to Macha Tor (not via Febar Tor) to the grand high tops and back in about 6 hours including a few rest stops in March (35 degrees) this year so your plan in August is easily doable.

The Febar/Macha Tor loop you need to allow at least an hour and a half, it's a bit of a goat track. It's well worth the visit with fantastic views.

If you stick to your plan and exit via West Spirey track you should be able to complete it without pushing too hard. Due to the fires, no off track walking allowed, it'll be quicker to stay on the tracks too even if it includes back tracking.

As Tom said, go up to Dagda Gap via Dagda Short Cut and dump your packs before doing Grand High Tops. When I was there in March, Grand High Tops track was closed from Balor Hut end so we had to take Dagda anyway. Much more enjoyable without your pack.

Attached is a map from NPWS including estimated walk times. Enjoy!

Cheers Ian.

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Fri 08 May, 2015 10:12 am
by eggs
You might find this a little easier to read.
(791.83 KiB) Downloaded 935 times

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Fri 08 May, 2015 1:42 pm
by tom_brennan
I'll defer to Ian for the timings for Febar/Macha Tor since I haven't done that. The other ones are rough (slightly conservative) times from our trip last year. We had heavier packs than normal since we were carrying climbing gear. Bluff Mountain was a 40min walk from Dows. We took breakfast up there. Good idea if it's a nice morning.

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Mon 11 May, 2015 9:27 am
by bushnut
Thanks guy, really helpful. I think it'll make for a really nice circuit. Cheers

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Thu 17 Dec, 2015 10:16 am
by Flipper Hands

Just got back from a solo 2 night trip (Sun - Tue) to the Warrumbungles.

I did a reverse circuit.

Day 1.
    Parked at the Split Rock car park near Camp Wambelong.
    Did Split Rock.
    Walked to Burbie Camp (plenty of water, toilet is basic)

Day 2
    Walked to the start of Mt Exmouth track
    Took a day pack and did Mt Exmouth
    Walked to Balor Hut via Ogma Camp and the shortcut

Day 3
    Took day pack and did Grand High tops
    Walked out to Camp Pinchum
    Then walked back to the Car at Camp Wambelong

All in all the weather wasn't too bad, I got lucky with a couple 26 degree days, and one over 30. Even so, standing water was non existent, so I needed to plan the trip carefully around how much water I needed. East coast denizens should not assume there are flowing creeks to filter water from. With a string of 35 degree days, it could be uncomfortable.

The only places, away from the road, where there was water was at the rain water tank at Balor Hut, and at the tap (I assume off the spring) at Burbie Camp. Both water sources advised boiling, but both looked pretty decent. I filtered both sources and drank untreated with no issues.

Doing the hike in anti clockwise means the easy hike is downhill from Balor. If I were to do it again I'd go clockwise, tackle the climb to Balor first, fresh, with a full pack. The logic to this is that you then get to primarily descend down to the start of Mt Exmouth over some pretty rough track, easier than climbing it at least. The Balor track is very good, paved in parts, and with excellent stairs in the steepest part of the climb.

Balor Camp in particular is spectacular, especially if you get a clear night. I was very lucky, both nights were clear, and there was a meteor shower. Pitched the tent without my fly and saw my fair share of shooting stars :)

At 16-20 degrees overnight, I didn't take a bag, was a little cool the first night, till I got out and put the fly on.

The park is still showing the effects of the fires in 2013, lots of suckers up over 2m, with dead and blackened tress prevalent. Very different from the usual bush landscape in 2015.

Thoroughly enjoyed my time, and the solitude. I didn't see a soul for 2 full days.

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Thu 17 Dec, 2015 8:12 pm
by Grabeach
A bit off topic, but I notice neither map shows the track up to Bess Peak. Very steep so maybe closed to stop erosion? If so a pity, IMO best view from a tourist track in the whole Warrumbungles.

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Thu 06 May, 2021 11:21 am
by Ms_Mudd
Resuscitation of an old post, but the title of it would be exactly my own.

Am heading to the Warrumbungles over Winter. I will park at Pincham for start/finish point.

I went ahead and booked sites as I have noticed National Parks get a whole lot more visitors these days, didnt want to miss out.

I was wondering for those who know the area- without saying which one I picked- if doing a 2day walk, staying at Balor the first night, which would YOU choose for the 2nd night Ogma, Danu or Dows and why?
The 2nd nights stop will be a base for doing Mt Exmouth, Cathedral etc. For me, views are of equal or greater importance than convenience of location for the other walks. Planning on walking to car along West Spirey to get back to our car on day 3.

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Mon 10 May, 2021 2:54 pm
by crollsurf
Is there anyone up that way who can give an update on the mice plague? Like to go next week but not if it means everything I take (tent/pack...) gets destroyed by the mice. Thanks

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Tue 11 May, 2021 9:15 pm
by Ms_Mudd
I was a bit worried about that myself Crollsurf, I do not need a gnawed on new tent. The plague had a bit of a dip after the crazy rains late in March from our own travels West prior to and after then, but is experiencing a surge again.

My own trip is a bit later on in Winter, so am hoping the issue settles or else I will be spending 2x nights in Balor Hut and leaving my Protrail at home.

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Wed 12 May, 2021 6:08 pm
by Osik
Hi Guys, I went for a run through the warrumbungles a couple of weekends ago taking in Mt Exmouth, Bluff Mtn, High tops etc, saw hundreds of mice (& the fattest red belly black I’ve ever seen). I didn’t camp so can’t confirm what the situation is at any of the camp locations, but in Dubbo this week the mouse plague seems to still be in full force.
If you’re taking a tent, I would certainly wrapping anything that smells like food in multiple dry bags!

As for campsite preferences, if you are staying at Balor the first night (personally I prefer Dow’s as the sunsets from both Bluff Mtn & a little way further along the track in a clockwise direction are absolutely superb, though I guess Balor has the benefit of more reliable water) then I’d choose Danu Gap as I think you get slightly better views than Ogma (& dow’s is literally a hop, skip jump from balor). If you camp at Danu & you’re an early bird I’d definitely recommend walking up Exmouth for dawn. Absolutely stunning.

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Thu 13 May, 2021 12:57 pm
by Ms_Mudd
Good replies all round. Ha ha I bet that was a seriously obese red belly black, not starved for food at the moment.
Thanks for the advice re:sites, much appreciated. Sunsets/sunrises and views are pretty important for me on this trip, something especially magical about a sunrise.

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Thu 13 May, 2021 1:10 pm
by kymboy
There were mice everywhere about 3 - 4 weeks ago. Once the sun went down the meece came out to play, running all over your cooking gear and up your legs on occasions. That was at the Blackman camping area. You could hear them climbing up the wallls of the tent at night and scurrying around under the tent floor. We had one in the car for a couple of days which was interesting. When we got home my wife opened her pack and a mouse jumped out. Pretty gross if I have to be honest :shock:

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Thu 13 May, 2021 3:11 pm
by crollsurf
Thanks for the replies. I'll give it a miss, there is always next year.
kymboy reminded me of a funny story about mice in cars: Surfing on the Eyre Peninsula during a mice plague and your car was your only refuge, until you forget to keep the car doors closed. I ended up with a mouse running up my shirt and out over my face, sleeping one night in the car. Anyway, got woken in the morning by a guy standing on the roof on his car holding up a mouse by the tail in one hand and a mallet in the other yelling "I got the little bastrd, I got the mousey bastrd..."

Feel sorry for everyone out that way ATM, those mice will drive you mad if you let them.

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Thu 13 May, 2021 3:44 pm
by Ms_Mudd
I am heading out to Merriwa/Mudgee way week after next and they were so bad when we were there in early April, not keen for mice in my pants.
Hoping by the time I get to the Bungles in July, the little jerks will be more under control, I will still go if they aren't, but will hut it rather than risk my tent.

Too funny Crolly, well, not the mouse in your car, but the other car camper.

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Sun 06 Jun, 2021 3:49 am
by idc1970
I like Dow’s Camp, if it’s been raining you have the creek that may be running. It’s also at the base of Bluff Mtn so you can take advantage of that for sunrise and sunset and the camp ground is protected from the winds.

Exmouth is better for sunset.

The mice have settled a fair bit due to the frosts and hasn’t really rained for over a month so that’s slowed their breeding cycle. Having said that, they are still about between Coonabarabran and Dunedoo where I travel regularly at night, but no where as bad as they have been. It was -2 this morning driving at 2am (6/6/21) and they’re still running around occasionally on the road.

I haven’t been along the track this year, so can’t really comment about their activity up there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Wed 09 Jun, 2021 9:00 am
by Ms_Mudd
Thanks for the reply!

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Wed 09 Jun, 2021 11:57 am
by wildwanderer
kymboy wrote:There were mice everywhere about 3 - 4 weeks ago. Once the sun went down the meece came out to play, running all over your cooking gear and up your legs on occasions. That was at the Blackman camping area. You could hear them climbing up the wallls of the tent at night and scurrying around under the tent floor. We had one in the car for a couple of days which was interesting. When we got home my wife opened her pack and a mouse jumped out. Pretty gross if I have to be honest :shock:


Though on the positive atleast your car didnt end up like this one.. ... /100195842

20K damage aparently..

Re: 2 night in the Warrumbungles

PostPosted: Thu 10 Jun, 2021 6:20 pm
by Ms_Mudd
Argh! I have met the gentleman whose landrover was featured in this story a few years ago, he owns an apple cider company, hence visiting the orchard I guess.

I saw lots scurrying across the road when driving home from Newnes on the weekend (via Rylstone, Bylong, Denman, Maitland) . I am still planning on doing my Bungles trip, but will either stay at Balor Hut and hang all my gear up, or stay at friends of my inlaws who live nearby and day walk instead as I think I won't sleep a wink if they are thick on the ground and likely to chew my gear.