Tarkine in Motion Exhibition - Sydney (till 24 May 2015)
Thu 14 May, 2015 12:28 pm
by DaveNoble
If you live in Sydney or nearby, then you may want to go and see a current exhibition of magnificent photos of the Tarkine area in Tasmania. The exhibition is on at the Salerno Gallery - 70 Glebe Point Road, and runs till 24 May 2015. This is a very special area - and it well worth seeing these photos. It is also an area that is under immediate threat - please think about acting to help save it from despoliation.
Re: Tarkine in Motion Exhibition - Sydney (till 24 May 2015)
Thu 14 May, 2015 6:02 pm
by stepbystep
Thanks Dave, it was great seeing the likes of you and Keith Muir there. It's been a good exercise in raising awareness of the Tarkine and the threats it faces. It's also been an excellent forum for conversations about a sustainable future for the people of the north west. The images are available online also. All funds go towards the bigger travelling exhibition that will premiere in Hobart late August. The August exhibition will include painting,writing, film, dance, music and so much more.
http://www.bobbrown.org.au/tarkine_in_m ... ne_gallery