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Kedumba Camp Ground

PostPosted: Tue 30 Jun, 2015 11:11 am
by jackattack
G'day my name is Jack - this is my first post to this forum. I am waiting to have a straightforwad first walk and camp overnight in the Blue Mountains but
not at a site that can be driven to as I want to be mostly alone. I was thinking Kedumba campground walking in from Kings Tableland down the Kedumba Valley rd/firetrail, camp overnight, maybe two nights then slog it back up the hill.

How busy this camp ground get? I am new to bush walking so not wanting anything technical like Korrowal Knife edge. This is a building fitness and getting out in it but not too much rock scrambling or steep stairs.

Re: Kedumba Camp Ground

PostPosted: Tue 30 Jun, 2015 4:42 pm
by tom_brennan
I'd say you have a good chance of having it to yourself, better still if you visit mid week.

I don't think it gets particularly frequent use, and it's quite a big area.

Re: Kedumba Camp Ground

PostPosted: Wed 01 Jul, 2015 8:35 am
by jackattack
Thanks for the response Tom

Re: Kedumba Camp Ground

PostPosted: Thu 02 Jul, 2015 9:58 pm
by DaveNoble
I don't think you will have it to yourself. When I camped there recently (June LWE) - I shared it with a cheeky gang of wrens and about 50 wallabies.

Re: Kedumba Camp Ground

PostPosted: Fri 03 Jul, 2015 6:01 pm
by jackattack
Thankyou for the response, Mr Noble! love your write ups. I want to Tackle Mt Solitary one day when I am fit enough and have rear your posts and watched your stuff on youtube!