by Ndevr » Wed 16 Sep, 2015 11:03 pm
Just did this walk in a large group last weekend. Had the campsite to ourselves.
Yes it has a bench, firepit, and toilet.
There are currently no mossies or flies!
Whilst currently cold, Marramarra is a good tidal creek for swimming/wading, and there's a 3m high boulder to jump off which is fun for young and old.
There is a small creek 200m East of the campsite where water could be sourced, though it is only just above the tidal line, with a hint of salt.
We had 7 first time overnight hikers, so it's also a good beginners walk.
We went clockwise down Smugglers Ridge and up Marramarra Ridge (Smugglers is a more interesting track).
We took it slowly, and including long breaks it still only took 3 hours each way.
The track is easy to follow; 10 of the 13km is fire trail, only 3km bush track.
No GPS required, just a basic map photocopy.