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Bundian Way article

PostPosted: Thu 10 Sep, 2015 4:44 pm
by Drew

Re: Bundian Way article

PostPosted: Fri 11 Sep, 2015 7:58 am
by north-north-west
Once that is finished I have to find a way to get up there to walk it. I've always wanted to climb Kosciuszko (pardon me - Targangal) from sea level, and this would be an awesome way to do it.

Re: Bundian Way article

PostPosted: Fri 11 Sep, 2015 10:21 am
by clarence
Wow. Thanks for sharing the article.

It would be interesting to see exactly where it goes on topographic maps, as the aboriginal trails of which I know often followed the very obvious leads through the landscape.

The ability to link this in with parts of the AAWT would make it a very special walk.


Re: Bundian Way article

PostPosted: Fri 11 Sep, 2015 11:02 am
by gayet
It does sound rather interesting, although I think I'd prefer the high to low route. Start at Targangal and head to the coast.

Re: Bundian Way article

PostPosted: Fri 11 Sep, 2015 11:14 am
by GPSGuided
Fantastic project!

Re: Bundian Way article

PostPosted: Sat 19 Sep, 2015 12:21 am
by madmacca
Good to see some movement on this.

I couldn't see much evidence of activity over the past couple of years on the Bundian Way website - wasn't sure whether this was because no money had been allocated, whether they were just in the slow process of negotiating access with landholders, or whether the website owner had moved on.