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West side of Mt Warrigal in the Wild Dog Mts

PostPosted: Mon 07 Dec, 2015 1:38 am
by paul8
There is "Sketch map 1 PDF"
The sketch map shows a "track" hugging the cliffs on the east side of Mt Warrigal.
Question: Is it possible to walk by hugging the cliff line along the entire length of the west side of Mt Warrigal ?

Re: West side of Mt Warrigal in the Wild Dog Mts

PostPosted: Sat 16 Jul, 2016 12:41 am
by paul8
Answer to the above question is: Yes! One can circumnavigate Mt Warrigal, actually quite easy.
Photos and trip report are in my blog: ... ralia.html

Re: West side of Mt Warrigal in the Wild Dog Mts

PostPosted: Sat 16 Jul, 2016 12:44 pm
by GPSGuided
Also look into OpenStreetMap. Helpful when used with a GPS device.

Re: West side of Mt Warrigal in the Wild Dog Mts

PostPosted: Sat 16 Jul, 2016 3:41 pm
by jonnosan
GPSGuided wrote:Also look into OpenStreetMap. Helpful when used with a GPS device.

The track on the OSM map that goes around the west side of Mt Warrigal is the Kennel Flats track, a few hundred metres (horizontal and vertical) from the base of the Warrigal cliff.

Actually the "sketch map 1" referred to in the original post is also the Kennel Flats track.

Re: West side of Mt Warrigal in the Wild Dog Mts

PostPosted: Sun 17 Jul, 2016 11:55 am
by kanangra
Paul8 I have just read the report of your Wild Dog trip. What an excellent resource you have compiled there. I was fascinated by the old cache you found. And also the memorial to Mr Gliddon. I knew an Anne Gliddon once. She was also from the Ramblers. I wonder if she was his sister?


Re: West side of Mt Warrigal in the Wild Dog Mts

PostPosted: Mon 25 Jul, 2016 7:21 pm
by robertoman
Thanks paul8 ! This answers a whole bunch of questions I had. This idea of this trip has been on my mind for a while. I now have a new page book marked on my list of favourites

Re: West side of Mt Warrigal in the Wild Dog Mts

PostPosted: Mon 25 Jul, 2016 8:47 pm
by Allchin09
kanangra wrote:Paul8 I have just read the report of your Wild Dog trip. What an excellent resource you have compiled there. I was fascinated by the old cache you found. And also the memorial to Mr Gliddon. I knew an Anne Gliddon once. She was also from the Ramblers. I wonder if she was his sister?


Hi K,

There is an Aine Gliddon who currently works for NPWS in the mountains and was a member of the YMCA Ramblers. I believe her husband, Colin Gliddon, was one of the people who put the log book in, so I would think that Kenneth P. Gliddon may well have been his brother.


Re: West side of Mt Warrigal in the Wild Dog Mts

PostPosted: Tue 26 Jul, 2016 9:58 am
by kanangra
Thanks. Yes that was the Anne Gliddon I was thinking of.


Re: West side of Mt Warrigal in the Wild Dog Mts

PostPosted: Tue 26 Jul, 2016 10:17 am
by puredingo
I'll never write another trip report again!!... That was too good, well done Paul and accomplice for completing such an epic day. Good on ya's!!!