I have almost completed the Great North Walk but am stuck on the Congewai Track Head to Watagan HQ section. I don't mind the distance of the walk but transport in this area is a real nuisance, the start and end points are 45 minutes drive apart. Just wondering if anyone has tried to split this walk, i.e arrive via Barraba Ln, Quorrobolong? OSM states there's a track at the end of Barraba Ln that links to the Great North Walk (is this easy to navigate?).
I can't convince any of my friends to take their cars on unsealed roads so I was thinking: leave my car at Watagan HQ and bike ride at Barraba Ln then do half the walk back to HQ. Any other ideas or suggestions welcome.
Thank you
Walk Reference:
http://www.wildwalks.com/bushwalking-an ... rters.html