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Family overnighter suggestions for this weekend. mountains?

PostPosted: Fri 25 Mar, 2016 8:55 am
by outjb
I'm trying to come up with a nice overnighter to do with my wife and kids this weekend but I'm being fussy about the criteria for this one....would appreciate any suggestions.

The kids have done a fair bit of day walking but not much lately so aren't mentally up for something too hard right off the bat...need to build up to it. Have all done lots of car camping and day walking in the meantime.

The ideal walk:
- 1-3 hours walk each way (ie around 3-6km depending on terrain)
- nice spot to camp - views, forest, river, other - so they love it
- is not going to make them never want to do the walk again (almost decided on Perrys/Blue Gum but suspect the steepness would ruin it for them right now and possibly for the future - otherwise would be perfect)
- not overly crowded camping (hard on easter weekend)
- ideally camp has drinkable water - not keen on everyone lugging water to dry camp

preferring upper Blue Mountains. but open to others within ~2hrs of Sydney.

Blue Gum a bit steep. Deep Pass a bit short (and we've been there a lot). Solitary a bit dry...

Appreciate any suggestions. Jon

Family overnighter suggestions for this weekend. mountains?

PostPosted: Fri 25 Mar, 2016 9:41 am
by GPSGuided
Grand Canyon loop off Blackheath? But no camp option unless going a bit further away.

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Re: Family overnighter suggestions for this weekend. mounta

PostPosted: Fri 25 Mar, 2016 9:55 am
by outjb
we've done Grand Canyon quite a few times but looking for camping options this time

Re: Family overnighter suggestions for this weekend. mounta

PostPosted: Fri 25 Mar, 2016 5:58 pm
by davidf
Jack Evans track down to erskine creek could be good. Swimming hole near campsite. Lower blue mountains.

Re: Family overnighter suggestions for this weekend. mounta

PostPosted: Sat 26 Mar, 2016 5:38 am
by ribuck
How about Bob Turners Track down to the Colo River? I took my children there when they were 6 and 8, and they loved it. We camped on the beach, and as the weather was good we slept under the stars. Access is easy. It's probably best to boil the water from the Colo River, although I have drunk it untreated many times.

Here are some track notes:

Family overnighter suggestions for this weekend. mountains?

PostPosted: Sun 27 Mar, 2016 3:09 pm
by outjb
Thanks. We ended up car camping this time but welcome all suggestions for next time :)

Re: Family overnighter suggestions for this weekend. mounta

PostPosted: Tue 29 Mar, 2016 1:59 pm
by tom_brennan
Erskine Creek (as davidf suggested) -
Bob Turners Track (as ribuck suggested) -
Canoe Creek (a bit harder, but still not far) -
Walk down the Wolgan River to the old farm (~8km each way, but perhaps a bit boring)
There is also some nice camping on the Coxs, just off the SIx Foot Track - probably only an hour or so in from the Megalong Rd

Re: Family overnighter suggestions for this weekend. mounta

PostPosted: Thu 31 Mar, 2016 8:57 pm
by outjb
Thanks Tom - all sound like great options for next time. Six Foot Track to Coxs was on the shortlist and almost ended up being the one but I was 'negotiated' back down to car camping this time...
(Also recalled it having 4WD access from the Jenolan road side so was a little reluctant this time around thinking it might be on the hectic side of things over Easter weekend)
