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Burnt Flat Road

PostPosted: Sat 16 Apr, 2016 9:47 pm
by liveforhiking
I am new to this forum,might i add the awesome amount of information on this page!
I have done many local bushwalks around the RNP. Yesterday i decided to venture into the blue mountains.
I decided i would head down bullio trg station road i continued all the way to the locked gate and ventured in on foot. I followed the track roughly 20mins when i stumbled upon a very wild looking pig about 50metres infront of me. It was not startled by me and continued doing what it was doing it was rather large and rather scary looking. I may be overreacting but i returned to my car. Has anyone here encountered a pig down here before are they dangerous? Any information and advice would be wonderful thankyou!

Re: Burnt Flat Road

PostPosted: Sun 17 Apr, 2016 12:33 pm
by puredingo
I have never NOT seen a pig in that area....lately I've seen some monster specimens, the numbers are out of control and the pigs are so brazenly confident of not being hunted they have lost all fear of man.

But in saying that I'm sure if you took a couple of more steps in his general direction he would of sauntered off to a comfortable buffer zone space. I've only ever seen sows get uppity when there is youngsters with them, but even they will flee if you apply enough pressure.

Re: Burnt Flat Road

PostPosted: Sun 17 Apr, 2016 12:58 pm
by liveforhiking
Thankyou very much puredingo
So its safe to walk down there
Who owns the property is it national park or carchment area. Do they not do pest control?

Re: Burnt Flat Road

PostPosted: Sun 17 Apr, 2016 5:15 pm
by puredingo
It's a wild old area but a spectacular's my favourite walking country by far, I can never stay away for long.

There's all sorts of ownership issues going on in there, private holdings, catchment land ( the Wollondilly runs into the dam) crown land and National's a mess Ha! Just consult your map and boundaries will all be evident.

I've had all sorts of confrontation in there, pigs, wild cattle, snakes, hill billy hunters and worst of all waterless days of hell...but that's why I love it, remote, isolated and every minute is an adventure...hmmm I got tomorrow off might be time for a fix?

There are a few trip reports on here liveforhiking, have a read for more detail.


Re: Burnt Flat Road

PostPosted: Sun 17 Apr, 2016 5:55 pm
by liveforhiking
Thanks very much pure dingo im sure ill be heading back soon
Hill billy hunters yike dont want to get shot!!
Thanks very much