Weeds and water rats in the Nattai

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Weeds and water rats in the Nattai

Postby Bushgirl » Sat 07 Jan, 2017 8:14 am

Just walked to Belloon Pass from Wattle Ridge Rd, good walk but marred by the terrible weed-infested state of the Nattai - quite depressing and looks like its beyond control. The route was hard to find in places, especially when trying to cross the weed-infested "flats". The fords indicated on the topo seemed to have disappeared. On the up side, was great to observe an Australian water rat close up -thought it was a platypus at first but had the otter face and white tail, bit like a swimming ringtail possum. Re the weeds, hoping the state of the Nattai isnt the future of other wilderness areas - we humans certainly stuff up the environment :( (sad face).
Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: Weeds and water rats in the Nattai

Postby michael_p » Sat 07 Jan, 2017 9:05 am

You were lucky to actually see a Water Rat (Rakali). I've never seen one in the wild, only ever found a burrow and a feeding platform on the Georges River near Campbelltown.

Plenty of weeds along the Nattai, which is a pity.

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Re: Weeds and water rats in the Nattai

Postby Mark F » Sat 07 Jan, 2017 10:10 am

I suspect a lot of the weeds are due to the disturbance created by the recent floods. Over time they will abate as longer lived species repopulate the disturbed areas.
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Re: Weeds and water rats in the Nattai

Postby Walk_fat boy_walk » Mon 09 Jan, 2017 12:45 pm

Hi Bushgirl, out of curiosity, which route did you take? Was it the Nattai Rd all the way to Vineyard Flat and then up the pass, or in via Starlights and along the river (as per Sloss's book), or along the WR firetrail and down near Martins Ck? Just wondering if the flood damage from last winter is still an issue and wondering how "passable" the valley is downstream from Starlights these days (if you went that way)?
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Re: Weeds and water rats in the Nattai

Postby puredingo » Tue 10 Jan, 2017 2:59 pm

Mate, I walked down to Wanganderry creek just before Chrissy and it was a doddle. Wide open beach banks to traverse and any scrub is all pushed down in your direction. Don't fall into the trap of attempting to follow sloss's markers like most people do...there's really no need as all they do is direct you across the flats that cut the bends out of the river. Just consult your map and it becomes obvious.

I actually seen a water rat frolicking around in the Wollondilly once, not sure what they feed on but he was perusing up and down the bank shelf like he was looking for his lost car keys.
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Re: Weeds and water rats in the Nattai

Postby Walk_fat boy_walk » Wed 11 Jan, 2017 8:43 am

puredingo wrote:Mate, I walked down to Wanganderry creek just before Chrissy and it was a doddle. Wide open beach banks to traverse and any scrub is all pushed down in your direction. Don't fall into the trap of attempting to follow sloss's markers like most people do...there's really no need as all they do is direct you across the flats that cut the bends out of the river. Just consult your map and it becomes obvious.

Cool thanks. Yeh I had the impression it had been carnage down there since the flood went through. I was up at the box vale end not long after and the river was pretty badly choked with treefall and the like so I assumed the reports of it being nigh on impassable downstream were true. Good to know it's not so bad, will have to head down there when the weather cools off a bit.
Walk_fat boy_walk
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Re: Weeds and water rats in the Nattai

Postby Bushgirl » Wed 11 Jan, 2017 4:46 pm

Hi Walk_Fatboy
We walked down Nattai Road, Allum Flat, then on to Vineyard Flat. Many huge trees have fallen across the river, some on the track but easy to get around or under/over - must have been a huge flow of water through there. Was good that the Branch-Breaking Brigade hadn't been out in force - track from end of Nattai Road heading down to the river is nicely overgrown giving the impression you're the first down there - bit like staying in a motel where you want to believe you're the only ones ever in the room/bush despite knowing this is not the case. But I find the weeds are disheartening and depressing, like I said.
Atherosperma moschatum
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