by north-north-west » Thu 03 Aug, 2017 4:50 pm
There are a number of lines you can take from Jagungal to Schlinck, the best depending on available time and prevailing conditions.
Bull Peaks and Brassies to Tin Hut and then Gungartan; Tarn Bluff, Cup & Saucer, Mawsons, Kerrries to Gungartan; Strawberry Hill to either Mawsons or the Valentine River (where you can pick up the firetrai)l; part of the Grey Mare (until you pick up the firetrrail), detour track via Valentine Falls, then over the Ghost to pick up the track again further along . . .
Even from Schlinck you have three major options: straight up Dicky Coopers, and through the Rolling Grounds and Granite Peaks to Consett Stephens and Tate; frorm Whyte River Hut up to the Rolling Grounds and south, or via the tracks and roads to Guthega and then either Illawong/Little Twynam or Guthega trig/Consett Stephens/Tate to Twynam or some variation on that. Once at Twynam it's easy enough to pick up the circuit track out over Lee, Carruthers, Northcote to the Kosciuszko turrnoff, or you can go down Crummer Spur from Little Twynam, past Headley Tarn and pick up the circuit track near the river crossing.
etc etc etc
For the most part it's open walking, Bit of dodge and weave to avoid some scrub or more awkward bits of rough ground, but generally easy in good weather, and plenty of pads to follow on the cross country bits.
The best way to do it is to get a set of 1:25,000 topos and plan a rough route from them. Then see if you can follow it . . .
Last edited by
north-north-west on Mon 07 Aug, 2017 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens."