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Jagungal Snow Report

PostPosted: Fri 22 Sep, 2017 1:55 pm
by Quarksta
I am planning a trip to the Jagungal Wilderness Area with a few mates this October long weekend and was wondering if anyone has any recent updates on the snow conditions there. We will be hiking on the southern side of Jagungal around the Schlink Hut, Kerries Ridge, Mawson Hut area with a possible ascent up Jagungal itself.

It looks like there have been some recent snowfalls there but I'm just not sure how that translates to the actual amount on the ground.

I'm trying to decide if we are going to need snowshoes?

Re: Jagungal Snow Report

PostPosted: Fri 22 Sep, 2017 2:21 pm
by Mark F
Snowy Hydro hasn't updated their snow depths this week but would expect them to be a bit down on last week's levels - even so there is quite a bit of snow around - higher levels than at this time last year by about 30% and last year was a pretty good year for snow. NPWS is suggesting that many roads may not open on Friday 20 October especially if there are further snowfalls. Snowshoes are likely to be needed.

Re: Jagungal Snow Report

PostPosted: Fri 22 Sep, 2017 4:01 pm
by crollsurf
I'd say definitely take them, there will be plenty of snow about but I'd be thinking going elsewhere, Its looking like a wet weekend but you never know, could be snowing and magical. Either way you'll want good gear

Just chased down an October report from last year and there is heap more snow this year

Re: Jagungal Snow Report

PostPosted: Fri 22 Sep, 2017 4:14 pm
by Lophophaps
Snow falls by altitude and melts by attitude, so the northern slopes will have less snow than the southern slopes. I'd expect drifts at or below summits, possibly with a steep fall where a cornice was. Rivers could be high, and if there's blocks of snow with a thin cover of ice over the water, crossing could be hazardous. One route that avoids the deepest crossings is going east from Mawsons then north to Cup and Saucer, Mailbox, Bulls Peaks and the Toolong Range. This may be better than approaching Jagungal from the south, which has a boulder field that could have a snow patchy cover, making it hard to see where the rocks are located.

Re: Jagungal Snow Report

PostPosted: Fri 22 Sep, 2017 8:54 pm
by rcaffin
You could actually go up from Guthega, over Gungarten Saddle to Tin Hut, and along the Brassys and Bulls Peaks, MacAlister Saddle and Jag Saddle. This would actually be taking you along the Great Divide, so there would be negligable water crossings. There will be some snow along the way for a while.


Re: Jagungal Snow Report

PostPosted: Sat 23 Sep, 2017 4:16 pm
by Lophophaps
Roger, it's possible to break through the scrub from just above Guthega PS, but an easier way for those that do not know this route to to go east from Schlink Pass to Gungartan. Your route and mine are similar in that they avoid the deeper river crossings.

Re: Jagungal Snow Report

PostPosted: Sat 23 Sep, 2017 7:49 pm
by Quarksta
Thank you for all the replies. My plan was tto go up to Schlink Pass, across Gungartan to Tin Hut, up to Mawsons and then use the Bulls Peaks fire trail to ascend Jagungal from the west.

Given how much snow it sounds like will be around (which will make for slower going), we may skip Jagungal and cut over to Valentines from Mawsons and follow the FT back south to Munyang.

It looks like snow shoes are going to be a must though.

Re: Jagungal Snow Report

PostPosted: Sat 23 Sep, 2017 9:27 pm
by north-north-west
Lophophaps wrote:Roger, it's possible to break through the scrub from just above Guthega PS, but an easier way for those that do not know this route to to go east from Schlink Pass to Gungartan. Your route and mine are similar in that they avoid the deeper river crossings.

It's easy enough to go up Disappointment Ridge from the snow gauge near GPS. Then follow the curve of the ridges around to Gungartan and nip over to Tin. Great walking in snow.

Re: Jagungal Snow Report

PostPosted: Sun 24 Sep, 2017 9:19 am
by Mark F
At the moment you can't access the bottom of Disappointment Spur unless you plan to walk across the very boulder choked Munyang River full of snow melt. The bridge is out/closed at the back of the power station awaiting replacement. The best way at the moment is up the road to the top of the steep hill, and along the western aquaduct track to rejoin the road a km below Whites River then Schlink Pass and up onto Gungartan.

Re: Jagungal Snow Report

PostPosted: Mon 25 Sep, 2017 8:26 pm
by rcaffin
It's easy enough to go up Disappointment Ridge from the snow gauge near GPS. Then follow the curve of the ridges around to Gungartan and nip over to Tin. Great walking in snow.


Great skiing in the snow too!
This was at the top of the Gungarten ridge, end nearest to Guthega. We came up from near Disappointment Spur Hut. The weather was not of the finest, but the next day was better.


Re: Jagungal Snow Report

PostPosted: Thu 28 Sep, 2017 8:41 pm
by crollsurf
Forecast for the Snowies is looking pretty good for the long weekend. Wet and Windy Saturday with some snow. Might be worth heading for a hut and drying out. Minus degrees every night so icy in the mornings. Sunday afternoon and Monday are looking perfect.

Unfortunately the kids are keen for a ski, so I might leave them skiing and get some walking in around Thredbo/Dead Horse Gap or even head out to Cootapatamba or Kosi

Re: Jagungal Snow Report

PostPosted: Mon 09 Oct, 2017 5:58 pm
by Quarksta
Was down in the Jagungal region over the long weekend. The snow was awesome - up to 2m deep in spots. Yes, Sunday and Monday were perfect weather. Nice and cool in the morning so we could easily walk on the frozen snow but the sun was shining and there was hardly any wind. It did get a bit slushy later in the day and we were glad that we had brought snow shoes to make the going a little bit easier.

Both of these photos were taken on the way up Mt. Gungartan.



Re: Jagungal Snow Report

PostPosted: Mon 09 Oct, 2017 8:48 pm
by crollsurf
I'm jealous, looks great Quarksta