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Suggested Map(s) for Bimberi Peak (approach from the east)

PostPosted: Tue 10 Oct, 2017 3:08 pm
by JohnR

Wondering if someone could help with the best maps for this walk.

Plan is to walk in from the east (i.e. start and finish at Orroral Tracking Station).

Options seem to be the following two 1:25,000 topo maps:

• 8626-1N Corin Dam; and
• 8626-1S Rendezous.

Or alternatively, Rooftop's Namadgi - ACT South Activities Map 2011 edition (1:50,000).

Hoping the later will be adequate?



Re: Suggested Map(s) for Bimberi Peak (approach from the eas

PostPosted: Tue 10 Oct, 2017 4:55 pm
by Mark F
It is a relatively straight forward walk so the 1:50,000 should be ok. I don't have that SV map but have just looked at my copy of the SV Northern Kosciuszko sheet which also covers Bimberi on the Eastern edge and the amount of detail seems ok. The two things you need to get right is finding the turn off to Cotter Gap and then finding the start of the route up Bimberi.

Have you considered doing it as a bit of a loop by heading north from Cotter Hut on your return to De Salis Creek and over to the Orroral Valley via the fire road through Eighty Acres, then down the Orroral Valley to the tracking station ruins. The walk down the valley is quite nice with plenty of roos.

Re: Suggested Map(s) for Bimberi Peak (approach from the eas

PostPosted: Tue 10 Oct, 2017 5:13 pm
by JohnR
Thanks you Mark.

All very helpful.

I will purchase the 1:50,000 and consider your suggested alternative route on the return. We have 3 days so that loop certainly sounds better than going back the way we walk in. Presumably we can still base ourselves near Cotter Hut for the 2 nights (I have obtained the necessary camping permit).



Re: Suggested Map(s) for Bimberi Peak (approach from the eas

PostPosted: Wed 11 Oct, 2017 12:58 pm
by north-north-west
Given that there are plenty of tracks and the level of field-checking in Rooftop maps is second to none, their map will be plenty.
The suggested circuit is a good option.

Re: Suggested Map(s) for Bimberi Peak (approach from the eas

PostPosted: Mon 16 Oct, 2017 10:25 am
by RVG
An indispensible resource for walking in the Canberra region is Johny Boy's Walkabout Blog.

The site has a search engine attached to it and a quick search yielded the following very good notes on a walk from Orroral Valley to Bimberi. ... 02_04.html

The search throws up other trip reports which might also be useful.


Re: Suggested Map(s) for Bimberi Peak (approach from the eas

PostPosted: Mon 27 Nov, 2017 2:56 pm
by JohnR
Did this walk on the weekend. Very few people around so good in that respect, however I would not really call it a wilderness area. Too many vehicle tracks, huts and general equipment around to give the walk a wilderness feel.

Thanks for the above tips Mark, Robert and NNW. Walking out via the Orroral Valley was a much better option than returning over Cotter Gap.

No doubt, the best part of the walk is from Murrays Gap up to the Peak.
