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Ultra Trail Race in Jamison/Megalong 17th May 2018

PostPosted: Sat 12 May, 2018 3:50 pm
by wildwanderer
The Ultra (bush run) is due to start on the 17th May 2018.

Interesting things I noticed.

- Jamision Valley will need to be reopened by that date. Good news if your wanting to walk Jamison valley soon.

- the 100km course goes down taros ladder. I wonder if they have/will repair it for the 1500 runners :shock: that will scramble down the spikes/rungs during the event?

Should be a good event. Im in awe of those who are fit enough to do these events.. Id need evacuation after the first 10km! My body hates running! :lol:

*Mods please move to main NSW section* :oops:

Re: Ultra Trail Race in Jamison/Megalong 17th May 2018

PostPosted: Sun 13 May, 2018 12:20 pm
by creeping_moses
You may be interested in these links which show the set up the race organisers erect every year at the Tarros Ladder: ... tment.html ... adder.html

There was also a great video made by a journalist at the SMH about this but I can't find it right now.

Re: Ultra Trail Race in Jamison/Megalong 17th May 2018

PostPosted: Sun 13 May, 2018 8:14 pm
by wildwanderer
Cheers Creeping_moses.

Impressive rigging effort for the temporary ladder. Its a shame they cant shore up the existing spikes while they are there but I guess that would involve a mountain of paperwork.

Re: Ultra Trail Race in Jamison/Megalong 17th May 2018

PostPosted: Wed 16 May, 2018 6:44 am
by Bushgirl
I support family members running in this each year and will be up till the early hours again on Sunday morning . Despite this, I am concerned each year at the use of our National Park for these events, with a large number of people running up Nellies Glen, Iron Pot (although private property) and other special places (Mystery Mountain at Newnes is another). I do wonder if the organisers pay NPWS to assist with any general track maintenance. The organisers do do a good job of cleaning up year, but still....The debate between nature parks vs recreation parks and I'm definitely in the nature park camp (so to speak).

Re: Ultra Trail Race in Jamison/Megalong 17th May 2018

PostPosted: Wed 16 May, 2018 11:52 am
by rcaffin
But you don't NEED to go down Tarros ladders! It is just as fast to WALK down Duncans Pass next to it.

(Or is it Dunphy Pass? I forget.)

Re: Ultra Trail Race in Jamison/Megalong 17th May 2018

PostPosted: Thu 24 May, 2018 11:47 am
by tom_brennan
The walk down route is Wallaby Track or Gundungura Pass. Frank Duncan (and party) didn't find the walk down pass, they climbed down where the spikes are today.

Re: Ultra Trail Race in Jamison/Megalong 17th May 2018

PostPosted: Sat 26 May, 2018 9:25 am
by rcaffin
Hi Tom
There are N variations on the naming and the history, where N is a large number. I have seen "Duncan's Pass" written in some places.
I have a feeling that "Wallaby Track" refers to a route under the cliffs on the west side on the whole peninsula, possibly from a very old Dunphy map.


Re: Ultra Trail Race in Jamison/Megalong 17th May 2018

PostPosted: Sat 26 May, 2018 6:01 pm
by tom_brennan
Agree re the large number of variations of naming. However, there was quite a bit of discussion in the bushwalking community in the late 1930s, which is summarised in this thread, and I think it gives a fairly clear picture of where things finally landed in 1940: