Zobel Gully descent

Referring to the Gully at the end of the Mt Banks Road Extension.
Is the descent negotiable without rope? How exposed is the scrambling?
Is the descent negotiable without rope? How exposed is the scrambling?
Information for bushwalkers from bushwalkers
Yes.Is the descent negotiable without rope?
Not at all.How exposed is the scrambling?
wildwanderer wrote:Is it possible to accend/decend banks gully without ropes/exposure/significant danger?
tom_brennan wrote:wildwanderer wrote:Is it possible to accend/decend banks gully without ropes/exposure/significant danger?
Any other way up aside from pierces pass, zobel gully and exploreers wall?
Grabeach wrote:Any other way up aside from pierces pass, zobel gully and exploreers wall?
Not sure where you mean by Explorers Wall (Garrard Gulch to the east perhaps?),
mandragara wrote:Interesting discussion. I'm actually thinking of a ~27 km loop going down Zobel Gully and out via Pierces. I've done Pierces->Blue Gum so I guess I'll aim to do Zobel->Blue Gum, from that I'll be able to work out if that loop is doable in a day or not (while still being pleasant).
mandragara wrote:A very smokey adventure.
Also a note for the future readers of this post. Do not, and I must repeat, do not climb Mt Caley in shorts, t shirt and sandals. That has to be some of the worst scrub I've seen, my skin is thatched with scratches. No complaints though
mandragara wrote:Also a note for the future readers of this post. Do not, and I must repeat, do not climb Mt Caley in shorts, t shirt and sandals. That has to be some of the worst scrub I've seen, my skin is thatched with scratches. No complaints though
Do you think It'd be possible to do a loop down Zobels and up and out via Garrad Gulch without climbing rope\tape? Or down and out via Mt Hay? I'd like to visit that area but I don't feel like doing an overnighter. If so, I wonder if you can use Explorers Brook as a way to bypass the Basalt purgatory
mandragara wrote:I like the look of this 'Garrad Gulch' you visited. Do you think It'd be possible to do a loop down Zobels and up and out via Garrad Gulch without climbing rope\tape?
mandragara wrote:Or down and out via Mt Hay? I'd like to visit that area but I don't feel like doing an overnighter. If so, I wonder if you can use Explorers Brook as a way to bypass the Basalt purgatory
mandragara wrote:A small part of me is tempted to take my machete for the walk over Caley, just to clear the way a bit, but I know that'd be massively frowned on. Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories
Warin wrote::?: Ummm from
https://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/vi ... cal-alerts
All walking tracks into and around Grose Valley including Perrys (below Docker lookout), Cliff Top, Bridal Veil Falls, Rodriguez Pass, Victoria Falls, Mount Banks, Pierces Pass (Hungerfords) and Short Ridge (aka Lockleys Pylon closed below Pylon) due to fire damage.
mandragara wrote:I'm basing this off of signs I've read on firetrail gates along Putty Rd. I've emailed and called NPWS a few times to get clarification, but they never respond (they're underfunded and overworked, not criticising!).
Warin wrote:mandragara wrote:I'm basing this off of signs I've read on firetrail gates along Putty Rd. I've emailed and called NPWS a few times to get clarification, but they never respond (they're underfunded and overworked, not criticising!).
Possibly park or subject dependent, but the last email I sent to parks was responded to within 5 days. That was a week or 2 ago. You could email the minister with copies of your unresponded emails .. that would stir them up (in public service speak it is a 'ministerial' and needs to be answered quickly).
mandragara wrote:Which office did you contact? I've been bothering NPWS Richmond.
mandragara wrote: Which office did you contact?
mandragara wrote: It'd be nice if they provided information on less used trails. Maybe not on the NPWS main website, but maybe another layer on SIX Maps or something, or list them as closed roads on Live Traffic NSW. They must track this stuff internally somehow.
FatCanyoner wrote:While I'm a big fan of exploration, I have to second Warin's comment. There is absolutely no question this area is off limits. The entire Grose Valley is shut. Yes, some tracks above the escarpment are open, but even a cursory glance at the National Parks alerts page makes it clear that walking into the valley is off limits. The area was badly burnt, it needs time to recover, and people trying to find sneaky ways to avoid the closure only threaten to degrade the landscape and spread weeds. Please don't do it.
I'd also make the point that the current restrictions on non-essential travel mean visiting National Parks (that are open) should only be for exercise and if in your local area. Unless you live close to Mt Wilson or Mt Tomah, you were probably in breach of those restrictions. We are likely to see those restrictions eased soon as new infections remain low, but disregarding the law and promoting that fact on this forum is not only irresponsible, it risks access for other bushwalkers if we are seen to be a law-breaking group.
johnw wrote:FatCanyoner wrote:While I'm a big fan of exploration, I have to second Warin's comment. There is absolutely no question this area is off limits. The entire Grose Valley is shut. Yes, some tracks above the escarpment are open, but even a cursory glance at the National Parks alerts page makes it clear that walking into the valley is off limits. The area was badly burnt, it needs time to recover, and people trying to find sneaky ways to avoid the closure only threaten to degrade the landscape and spread weeds. Please don't do it.
I'd also make the point that the current restrictions on non-essential travel mean visiting National Parks (that are open) should only be for exercise and if in your local area. Unless you live close to Mt Wilson or Mt Tomah, you were probably in breach of those restrictions. We are likely to see those restrictions eased soon as new infections remain low, but disregarding the law and promoting that fact on this forum is not only irresponsible, it risks access for other bushwalkers if we are seen to be a law-breaking group.
Have to agree with Tim 100%. As much as I'd love to be down there myself, pretty much the whole valley, not just the tracks, from the Darling Causeway to Yarramundi has been officially closed and off limits during and since the fires. Even if Covid-19 restrictions are eased I think it may be some time before access into the Grose is restored. And having worked in there as a volunteer for 15 years I don't want to have to deal with any more weeds than I need to. It's hard enough to keep them at bay as it is.
How far are you allowed to travel for exercise?
No states have specific rules on the distance you are allowed to travel to exercise, however many have appealed for people to use “common sense”.
NSW – You are allowed to drive across town however you aren’t allowed to travel hours out of the city.
mandragara wrote:Tracks in the Wollemi that were closed due to fire and flood damage have been rebuilt and reopened. How can it be that these areas are environmentally safe to reopen, as well as the Mt Wilson canyon area etc. but not the Grose? They all burnt within weeks of each other.
mandragara wrote:The valley being closed isn't clear to me. The NPWS website lists the park as open, but walking tracks that head down into the valley as shut. I'm reading the NPWS word for word, and it qualifies the tracks specifically as being what is closed, no mention of the valley itself. I made sure to enter only via open trails (Banks Wall).
mandragara wrote:Tracks in the Wollemi that were closed due to fire and flood damage have been rebuilt and reopened. How can it be that these areas are environmentally safe to reopen, as well as the Mt Wilson canyon area etc. but not the Grose? They all burnt within weeks of each other.
mandragara wrote:As for the COVID stuff (this is now going off topic a bit), I'm following the guidelines that are laid out by the Guardian (first result if you google "How far can I travel for exercise NSW")