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Sassafras to Folly Point or Newhaven - bike?

PostPosted: Tue 19 Jun, 2018 5:34 pm
by sandym
I can't seem to find on the NPWS site any information about where the road is gated for the Sassafras entry to Folly Point. I seem to have read/heard somewhere that there is a new gate? Is it gated right at the Braidwood Road or further along? Is it worth taking a mountain bike for the fire road part?

Thanks very much.

Re: Sassafras to Folly Point or Newhaven - bike?

PostPosted: Tue 19 Jun, 2018 6:05 pm
by Zapruda
Just to throw a spanner in the works, the entrance from Meangora road just near Nerriga gives you a pleasant walk all the way into the depths of the the Budawangs. You could easily ride your bike from here as it is incredibly flat and well graded. The road loops back up to Sassafras passing the Vines along the way. Obviously you can’t ride your bike down the Mt Tarn track past Quiltys, Hidden Valley etc as it is walking only.


Re: Sassafras to Folly Point or Newhaven - bike?

PostPosted: Tue 19 Jun, 2018 6:42 pm
by crollsurf
I ride my bike to the Folly Point turnoff or a bit further if heading for Styles Creek. Its about 8klm of boring flat fire trail before you get to the good stuff so a bike saves a lot of time and energy.

Road is gated at the turnoff from Braidwood Road, Close the gate and drive another couple of ks to the car park. Says close all the gates and I have done that only to find them opened on the way out so I'd say just leave the gates as you find them.
Braidwood Road turnoff

As you can see, I used to get the old HSV Grange down the track so 2WD should be fine unless they have seen a lot of rain.

Re: Sassafras to Folly Point or Newhaven - bike?

PostPosted: Wed 20 Jun, 2018 1:14 pm
by sandym
Zapruda wrote:Just to throw a spanner in the works, the entrance from Meangora road just near Nerriga gives you a pleasant walk all the way into the depths of the the Budawangs. You could easily ride your bike from here as it is incredibly flat and well graded. The road loops back up to Sassafras passing the Vines along the way. Obviously you can’t ride your bike down the Mt Tarn track past Quiltys, Hidden Valley etc as it is walking only.


Not a spanner, a jolly good suggestion. I was looking at that but again could not find any information on gates, private land etc., I have the topo map, is this the dashed black track on the north side of the Endrick River or the dashed red fire road on the south side of the Endrick River. I assume it is easy to find the way from the Meangora Road?

It seems that one could do a pleasant two day through walk from Nerriga to Sassafras?

Re: Sassafras to Folly Point or Newhaven - bike?

PostPosted: Wed 20 Jun, 2018 2:28 pm
by Walk_fat boy_walk
sandym wrote: I assume it is easy to find the way from the Meangora Road?

This might be of use re access from the Nerriga end:

I reckon the Red Grounds track would be your best bet in any case.

sandym wrote:It seems that one could do a pleasant two day through walk from Nerriga to Sassafras?

Yes, or even better could ride the route, but do walking side trips to Quiltys (up to the Bora), Hidden Valley and/or Folly Pt (camping at, say, Camp Rock)?

Re: Sassafras to Folly Point or Newhaven - bike?

PostPosted: Wed 20 Jun, 2018 2:41 pm
by Zapruda
sandym wrote:
Zapruda wrote:Just to throw a spanner in the works, the entrance from Meangora road just near Nerriga gives you a pleasant walk all the way into the depths of the the Budawangs. You could easily ride your bike from here as it is incredibly flat and well graded. The road loops back up to Sassafras passing the Vines along the way. Obviously you can’t ride your bike down the Mt Tarn track past Quiltys, Hidden Valley etc as it is walking only.


Not a spanner, a jolly good suggestion. I was looking at that but again could not find any information on gates, private land etc., I have the topo map, is this the dashed black track on the north side of the Endrick River or the dashed red fire road on the south side of the Endrick River. I assume it is easy to find the way from the Meangora Road?

It seems that one could do a pleasant two day through walk from Nerriga to Sassafras?

I have added the carpark on the map below. You basically follow the signs along the road after you have parked and then ford the Endrick river. After that you are in Morton NP.

Its very easy once parked. There is NPWS sign / map on the locked gate at the carpark.

It is indeed a very pleasant walk from the Nerriga entrance to Sassafras.

Enjoy :)

Re: Sassafras to Folly Point or Newhaven - bike?

PostPosted: Wed 20 Jun, 2018 4:48 pm
by michael_p
Google: cycling budawangs. You will find lots of info about cycling through that part of the Budawangs.


Re: Sassafras to Folly Point or Newhaven - bike?

PostPosted: Wed 20 Jun, 2018 5:25 pm
by sandym
Cheers, guys. Thanks for all the information. Now back to planning.....

Re: Sassafras to Folly Point or Newhaven - bike?

PostPosted: Wed 27 Jun, 2018 6:42 pm
by sandym
Sunday and Monday was gorgeous in the Budawangs. We cycled along Red Ground Track to the track that goes to Styles Valley, and then hiked up to the Bora stones on Quiltys Mountain. Really a stunning ride, the forest is beautiful and, of course, the views from Quiltys are excellent.

Had a rather long dark night and cold morning sleeping in the car at the trailhead but the next day rode out to the second ford of the Endrick River and cycled west crossing Sallee Creek to Round Mountain, which we also scrambled up.

Apparently, the cycle is part of a longer route called "Attack of the Buns."

Wonderful wilderness area. Thanks again for all the information.

Re: Sassafras to Folly Point or Newhaven - bike?

PostPosted: Wed 27 Jun, 2018 6:55 pm
by Zapruda
Thanks for letting us know how it went. That Bora ground is really something isn’t it?

Re: Sassafras to Folly Point or Newhaven - bike?

PostPosted: Wed 27 Jun, 2018 10:02 pm
by Grabeach
I’ve been perusing the northern Budawangs on my 7/86 CMW Sketch Map and SIX for single day cycling trips for a while now. The only thing that’s stopped me doing Sassafras to Nerriga was organising a lift back at the other end. Also pondered a trip from Nerriga following sandym’s route to Round Mtn, continuing past Square Top Mtn on to the major junction, then either;

a. Right, along the Alum Ck Trail all the way back to Meangora Rd. For 2km this passes through what looks to be uncleared portion 7019, then passes by Flat Top Mtn. This look the pick as you end up close to your car. Interestingly, SIX also shows a trail on the edge of an isolated ‘green’ section from 7019 west through to Nerriga Rd. 10 km from here to Nerriga

b. Left, for about 5 1/2 km to a side track that goes down to the Corang R. Will need to move south a bit to cross. May not even be possible. There's a track of sorts heading NW towards occupied portion 7271, where there is a mapped trail through the ‘green’ to Nerriga Rd about 2 km north of Charleys Forst Rd.

SIX labels both ‘green’ sections as Morton National Park. Anyone have any practical knowledge of whether these routes are feasible, even if it requires the bike to be walked or carried in places?

Re: Sassafras to Folly Point or Newhaven - bike?

PostPosted: Thu 28 Jun, 2018 9:21 am
by michael_p
Grabeach wrote:SIX labels both ‘green’ sections as Morton National Park. Anyone have any practical knowledge of whether these routes are feasible, even if it requires the bike to be walked or carried in places?

No idea. But if you want to check the "green" sections you can get a copy of the NSW NPWS Estate Data for Google Earth from here: ... n2010.html. I have found it helpful to check where some NP boundaries are.


Re: Sassafras to Folly Point or Newhaven - bike?

PostPosted: Fri 29 Jun, 2018 3:37 pm
by kanangra
Nice GRANGE. :)
