Half of all NSW topo maps to be no longer printed

I really can't believe it.
It looks like Spatial Services (the government department that now looks after mapping of the state) has made the decision to discontinue printing a large portion of their topographic maps.
From 3rd September, 524 out of their 1,094 titles for the state will only be available in digital form from Spatial Services. I'm unsure as to when this was announced (I was informed today via a cartography and mapping email list) but it really came as a shock.
Details from their website can be found here - http://spatialservices.finance.nsw.gov. ... agery/maps - which includes a list of maps to be discontinued.
It seems like it mostly impacts the westerns side of the state, however, there are still a number of maps what would be of interest to bushwalkers.
Using the information provided and some maps.ozultimate resources from Tom Brennan, I've mapped out which ones will be no longer printed, and included a link to an interactive map below. I've also included an image of the same.
Note the red boxes indicate the paper maps to be discontinued, covering the majority of the state.
I intend to make contact with Spatial Services this week to discuss the matter, but I really don't think what they have proposed is acceptable. In many circumstances, digital can't replace paper maps, and although their e-topos are provided for free, they don't include all the same information as their paper equivalents they are to discontinue. Additionally, it can be difficult and quite cost prohibitive for individuals to print quality paper maps for use from the e-topos.
It looks like Spatial Services (the government department that now looks after mapping of the state) has made the decision to discontinue printing a large portion of their topographic maps.
From 3rd September, 524 out of their 1,094 titles for the state will only be available in digital form from Spatial Services. I'm unsure as to when this was announced (I was informed today via a cartography and mapping email list) but it really came as a shock.
Details from their website can be found here - http://spatialservices.finance.nsw.gov. ... agery/maps - which includes a list of maps to be discontinued.
It seems like it mostly impacts the westerns side of the state, however, there are still a number of maps what would be of interest to bushwalkers.
Using the information provided and some maps.ozultimate resources from Tom Brennan, I've mapped out which ones will be no longer printed, and included a link to an interactive map below. I've also included an image of the same.
Note the red boxes indicate the paper maps to be discontinued, covering the majority of the state.
I intend to make contact with Spatial Services this week to discuss the matter, but I really don't think what they have proposed is acceptable. In many circumstances, digital can't replace paper maps, and although their e-topos are provided for free, they don't include all the same information as their paper equivalents they are to discontinue. Additionally, it can be difficult and quite cost prohibitive for individuals to print quality paper maps for use from the e-topos.