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Half of all NSW topo maps to be no longer printed

PostPosted: Wed 15 Aug, 2018 11:30 pm
by Allchin09
I really can't believe it.

It looks like Spatial Services (the government department that now looks after mapping of the state) has made the decision to discontinue printing a large portion of their topographic maps.

From 3rd September, 524 out of their 1,094 titles for the state will only be available in digital form from Spatial Services. I'm unsure as to when this was announced (I was informed today via a cartography and mapping email list) but it really came as a shock.

Details from their website can be found here - ... agery/maps - which includes a list of maps to be discontinued.

It seems like it mostly impacts the westerns side of the state, however, there are still a number of maps what would be of interest to bushwalkers.

Using the information provided and some maps.ozultimate resources from Tom Brennan, I've mapped out which ones will be no longer printed, and included a link to an interactive map below. I've also included an image of the same.

Note the red boxes indicate the paper maps to be discontinued, covering the majority of the state.
DigitalOnlyMaps.JPG (105.05 KiB) Viewed 10704 times

I intend to make contact with Spatial Services this week to discuss the matter, but I really don't think what they have proposed is acceptable. In many circumstances, digital can't replace paper maps, and although their e-topos are provided for free, they don't include all the same information as their paper equivalents they are to discontinue. Additionally, it can be difficult and quite cost prohibitive for individuals to print quality paper maps for use from the e-topos.

Re: Half of all NSW topo maps to be no longer printed

PostPosted: Thu 16 Aug, 2018 8:41 am
by Huntsman247
Wow. That's a lot.

Re: Half of all NSW topo maps to be no longer printed

PostPosted: Thu 16 Aug, 2018 9:19 am
by LachlanB
This is obscene. First the put the price of maps up by 50% to make buying them prohibitive, and then they decide to stop producing the majority of the maps. Digital mapping is a supplement NOT a substitute for easily available paper topographic maps.

Re: Half of all NSW topo maps to be no longer printed

PostPosted: Thu 16 Aug, 2018 10:07 am
by wildwanderer
From the policy letter outlining the implementation of this decision. ... letter.pdf

If you would like to acquire stock of the outgoing titles, please place orders prior to Monday 3
September 2018. Following this date the titles will be retired as a hard copy product.

So what are they going to do with the stock of the retired hard copy?

As far as im aware the digital download does not come with the sat photo printed on the otherside.. which was a benefit of the paper map.

Its a dumb policy to save a buck that has not been thought through. Wont effect the more hardcore bushwalkers who will adapt but I wouldn’t be surprised if this decision lowers the bushwalking participation rate among more mature age groups and increases the number of SAR operations.

Re: Half of all NSW topo maps to be no longer printed

PostPosted: Thu 16 Aug, 2018 11:06 am
by potato
The city dwelling bean counters have killed another important government service. Another sad day for society, especially if you live in or visit regional areas.

Re: Half of all NSW topo maps to be no longer printed

PostPosted: Thu 16 Aug, 2018 1:05 pm
by north-north-west
wildwanderer wrote: Wont effect the more hardcore bushwalkers who will adapt but I wouldn’t be surprised if this decision lowers the bushwalking participation rate among more mature age groups ...

Which is what they want. Fewer people out bush means fewer people caring about the NPs, means easier to rezone, sell off and/pr privatise.

Re: Half of all NSW topo maps to be no longer printed

PostPosted: Thu 16 Aug, 2018 2:06 pm
by tom_brennan
Nice visualisation, Alex!

Probably not an especially surprising development. Once they started providing digital maps for free, I think the writing was on the wall for printed copies, unless they could somehow move to print-on-demand.

It would be interesting to know how many copies of each of the discontinued maps have been sold over the past few years.

For the most part, any popular maps are still being printed. It's not like Katoomba is going to disappear off the shelves. The impact on 99% of bushwalkers is going to be pretty minimal - for now.

There are a few annoying areas - for example, where some parts of a national park are no longer available eg Tooraweenah (Warrumbungle NP), Growee, Olinda, Bogee, Wirraba, Moruben, Auburn (Wollemi NP), also Bargo SCA.

My concern would be whether the digital copies are being appropriately archived, for future reference.

Allchin09 wrote:..although their e-topos are provided for free, they don't include all the same information as their paper equivalents they are to discontinue.

Apart from the aerial photo, what other info is missing from the e-topos?

Re: Half of all NSW topo maps to be no longer printed

PostPosted: Thu 16 Aug, 2018 3:16 pm
by LachlanB
tom_brennan wrote:For the most part, any popular maps are still being printed. It's not like Katoomba is going to disappear off the shelves. The impact on 99% of bushwalkers is going to be pretty minimal - for now.

There are a few annoying areas - for example, where some parts of a national park are no longer available eg Tooraweenah (Warrumbungle NP), Growee, Olinda, Bogee, Wirraba, Moruben, Auburn (Wollemi NP), also Bargo SCA.

I know they're mostly not heavily used maps, but I'd be concerned that it's the start of a very slippery slope. How long until maps like Yerranderie and Bindook (for instance) vanish? Both aren't heavily used, but are crucial for the area they cover. (and sorry Tom, I just re-read your post and saw the for now bit)

Some other maps on the list that are going but I think are still useful (in addition to Tom's):
- Bomaby (covering a good chunk of Tallaganda NP)
- Numeralla and Kybean (both covering a few NRs)
- Glen Allen through to Nungatta (5 maps, all covering the western fringe of SE Forests NP)
- Lake Wyangan and Rankins Springs (Cocoparra)
- I like having a copy of the map of the area I live in (Camden) too. It reminds me what Macarthur looked like before the NSW government allowed property developers carte blanche

Some of the ones on the western fringe of Kosciuszko look like they'd be useful too.

Re: Half of all NSW topo maps to be no longer printed

PostPosted: Thu 16 Aug, 2018 5:28 pm
by Allchin09
tom_brennan wrote:Nice visualisation, Alex!
You'd already done the hard work, haha ;)

I spoke with someone today from Spatial Services and will follow up over the weekend with written comms and a list of questions.

I was told that these maps had very low demand and they have low stock left. Also that if I wanted to access the orthophotos I could purchase them through their existing service (which costs ~$140 for an A4 sized image....)

I agree that there are maps proposed to go e-topo only that would be useful for bushwalkers, I have used a few myself.

tom_brennan wrote:For the most part, any popular maps are still being printed. It's not like Katoomba is going to disappear off the shelves. The impact on 99% of bushwalkers is going to be pretty minimal - for now.

LachlanB wrote:I know they're mostly not heavily used maps, but I'd be concerned that it's the start of a very slippery slope. How long until maps like Yerranderie and Bindook (for instance) vanish? Both aren't heavily used, but are crucial for the area they cover. (and sorry Tom, I just re-read your post and saw the for now bit)

Some other maps on the list that are going but I think are still useful (in addition to Tom's):
- Bomaby (covering a good chunk of Tallaganda NP)
- Numeralla and Kybean (both covering a few NRs)
- Glen Allen through to Nungatta (5 maps, all covering the western fringe of SE Forests NP)
- Lake Wyangan and Rankins Springs (Cocoparra)
- I like having a copy of the map of the area I live in (Camden) too. It reminds me what Macarthur looked like before the NSW government allowed property developers carte blanche

Some of the ones on the western fringe of Kosciuszko look like they'd be useful too.
Agree, and a good list.

wildwanderer wrote:So what are they going to do with the stock of the retired hard copy?
Throw them out I guess? Will confirm though.

tom_brennan wrote:Apart from the aerial photo, what other info is missing from the e-topos?
Well everything that was on the same side as the orthophoto.
The only things they have kept (by adding to the front) is the Grid-Magnetic variance (but no Grid-True variance) and the diagram showing the adjoining maps (which used to be - 2nd eds - and still should have been on the front anyway).
I don't have a paper copy with me to check, but I think also missing is how to read a grid reference, with an example and information on the zone and UTM reference for the map.

Re: Half of all NSW topo maps to be no longer printed

PostPosted: Thu 16 Aug, 2018 5:37 pm
by GPSGuided
It’s logical and expected I think given that all topo maps can now be obtained for free. If required, Officeworks can get them printed to the desired size. Out in Western NSW, are there even many or any paper topo map dependent bushwalkers?

Re: Half of all NSW topo maps to be no longer printed

PostPosted: Thu 16 Aug, 2018 5:42 pm
by peregrinator
wildwanderer wrote: [edit] and increases the number of SAR operations.

So far all the comments relate to how bushwalkers are effected. Can anyone comment on what effect a lack of printed maps may have on search and rescue operations? Or other emergency tasks? The power shuts down, batteries go flat; where’s that printed map we always used to have?!? Or am I being too alarmist?

Re: Half of all NSW topo maps to be no longer printed

PostPosted: Thu 16 Aug, 2018 6:07 pm
by Warin
peregrinator wrote: Can anyone comment on what effect a lack of printed maps may have on search and rescue operations? Or other emergency tasks? The power shuts down, batteries go flat

No radio comms without power... so no point is having a paper map?
At least not at the command center - think they are all computerised these days.
Mobile command centers will have their own power .. so no problem there.

Re: Half of all NSW topo maps to be no longer printed

PostPosted: Sat 18 Aug, 2018 5:54 am
by mandragara

For reference, I currently own 8 of the maps that are to be discontinued. My Moruben map is actually fairly worn out, guess I better order a new one before they run out!

EDIT: It's actually 9 maps that are to be discontinued that I own, although the last one is the Seal Rocks map, so not that useful ;)