Schlink Pass and Whites River to Twynum

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Schlink Pass and Whites River to Twynum

Postby Lophophaps » Mon 29 Oct, 2018 6:06 am

Advice is needed about the route between Schlink Pass and Whites River and Twynum. If anyone has done it recently or is walking this in the next few months, please advise. Thanks.
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Re: Schlink Pass and Whites River to Twynum

Postby Zapruda » Mon 29 Oct, 2018 7:06 am

Hi Lop,

This is a regular route for me. What exactly did you want to know? I will be out there in a week or two so I can check current conditions for you.

- Schlink Pass to Whites river is just road and is a dawdle.
- Whites River hut up to the rolling ground is easy if you know where to find the old track. Here is the route I use It is easier to follow the track going up than going down but it doesn't pose any problems when you are on it. There is a defined track lower down and as you climb there is the odd cairn, metal sheet and footpad. You want to traverse around the eastern side of Granite Peaks.
- Rolling Grounds to Consett Stephens Pass is easy in good weather. Avoid dropping down into the valleys as much as possible. They will be wet that time of year. Consett Stephens pass is easy to find and you will know it when you see it. There are some sheltered spots there for a camp.
- CSP to Twynam is so much fun and very beautiful. There is a pad pretty much the whole way and the route is dotted with the odd cairn. It is really easy to make your way to Twynam. Following the great dividing Range on the topo is your best best. As you get closer to Twynam you pick up an old vehicle track that takes you almost to the top.

If you are looking for somewhere to camp around Twynam I suggest dropping down the saddle between Twynam and Little Twynam and camping near the headwaters of Pounds Creek. There are some fantastic and protected spots there.

Water will be abundant.

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Re: Schlink Pass and Whites River to Twynum

Postby rcaffin » Wed 31 Oct, 2018 10:01 am

Rolling Grounds to Consett Stephens Pass is easy in good weather.
Provided you are using a map so you know where to look, and provided the weather is fine.
Finding Consett Stephen in bad weather, and especially in fog, is not so easy. The winds can be awkward.

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Re: Schlink Pass and Whites River to Twynum

Postby Zapruda » Wed 31 Oct, 2018 10:27 am

rcaffin wrote: Rolling Grounds to Consett Stephens Pass is easy in good weather.
Provided you are using a map so you know where to look, and provided the weather is fine.

I think it goes without saying that a map is necessary. Even though you quoted it, you seem to have missed the part where I said in good weather...
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Athrotaxis selaginoides
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