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unofficial tracks near Cowan NSW?

PostPosted: Mon 15 Jul, 2019 1:08 am
by dnaylor
I noticed what i think is a bushwalking track near the headwaters of the Yatala Creek at this location while looking around the area using Google maps in satellite mode..

seems to pass through the following points:

could some one enlighten me as to where it starts and finishes as i seem to lose it at about here:
Thankyou.. :)

Re: unofficial tracks near Cowan NSW?

PostPosted: Mon 15 Jul, 2019 7:42 am
by potato
Mountain bikes?

Re: unofficial tracks near Cowan NSW?

PostPosted: Mon 15 Jul, 2019 11:15 am
by michael_p
Maybe the Shark Rock Ridge Track. See here on OSM:

Re: unofficial tracks near Cowan NSW?

PostPosted: Mon 15 Jul, 2019 6:00 pm
by dnaylor
michael_p wrote:Maybe the Shark Rock Ridge Track. See here on OSM:

oooh... thankyou... though it does seem to extend much further than the track shown on the link you sent... i'll have to walk it it seems.. :)

Re: unofficial tracks near Cowan NSW?

PostPosted: Mon 15 Jul, 2019 6:12 pm
by dnaylor
potato wrote:Mountain bikes?

doubt it as i've found 2 similar ones in this area and you can't ride those...:D
here is one..

Re: unofficial tracks near Cowan NSW?

PostPosted: Fri 19 Jul, 2019 5:08 pm
by mandragara
I asked my grandmother (90yo, former resident of Hornsby when it was dirt roads and farms)

Supposedly this is a track that leads down to Shark Rock Point and was used by Bass fishermen.

I somehow doubt this as I'm fairly certain Bass are a freshwater fish and her memory overall isn't super amazing these days.

Still, if you do go investigate and the trail seems to be heading that direction, that might be where it ends up.

If you do decide to go there, be careful, I can't see an access point that doesn't involve jaywalking across the motorway. I know people do to get to Jerusalem Bay more quickly, but I've never liked the idea.

Speaking of which, if you haven't been to that area before, be prepared for motorway noise...

Re: unofficial tracks near Cowan NSW?

PostPosted: Fri 19 Jul, 2019 5:28 pm
by michael_p

Re: unofficial tracks near Cowan NSW?

PostPosted: Sat 20 Jul, 2019 8:45 am
by Rob Gosford
from Berowra rail station, head east over the M1 (F3) Freeway ped bridge, immediately turn left. the track to the left is noticeable on your left as you commence to head down to Waratah and Apple Tree bays.

wanted to head on out along Shark Rock Ridge several years ago, but never did. Now I'm too old !

map courtesy of


map courtesy of Google Earth


Re: unofficial tracks near Cowan NSW?

PostPosted: Sat 20 Jul, 2019 10:55 pm
by dnaylor
Thanks alot guys this is all really helpful... if the weathers good i think i'll take a walk along it on monday 22/07/19