From Mount Kosciusko to Mount Kosciuszko
THE Geographical Names Board of New South Wales
proposes to correct the spelling of the name of Australia's
hignest mountain and invites submissions regarding the
On IS February 1840, Paul Edmund Strzelecld was the
first European to ascend the mountain. He named it Mount
Kosciuszko in honour of the Polish freedom fighter,
General Tadeusz Kosciuszko.
Since 1841, when die name first appeared on maps, it
has been shown as Mount Kosciusko. The Geographical
Names Board, under the provisions of Section 8 of the
Geographical Names Act 1966, now proposes to alter the
name from Mount Kosciusko to Mount Kosciuszko.
Further, the Geographical Names Board invites
submissions regarding the proposed alteration of the
following geographical names:
Kosciusko (trig, station)
Kosciusko (parish, county of Wallace)
Kosciusko (parish, county of Selwyn)
Kosciusko Creek (creek)
Kosciusko National Park (reserve)
Kosciusko (locality)
Written submissions are invited and should be forwarded
to the Secretary, Geographical Names Board of N.S.W.,
P.O. Box 143. Bathurst, N.S.W. 2795, or fax (063) 33 5217
by 31 January 1997.
north-north-west wrote:So glad this conversation is happening online rather than real life, because I get so sick of correcting the pronunciation of Kosciuszko.
Lophophaps wrote:Mark, agree. Around mid-1997 seems right. Logically the national park name would change at the same time as the mountain was renamed. ... -there-one
"the Polish pronunciation of Kościuszko, which is Kosh-chush-ko"
The pronunciation varies depending on where you are.
peregrinator wrote: This is Shtrzticczky Schtuctzff!
crollsurf wrote:Here is what I believe is the correct pronunciation of Kosciuszko, "Kos-choos-ko"
I've always thought it disrespectful to mispronounce countries, places etc but fact is, some names are impossible for us to pronounce. The most recent for me was Qatar. Native speakers will tell you it's pronounced like Guitar with a K "Kr-tar". But their only being polite, the correct way to pronounce Qatar is impossible for us English speakers without a lot of practice.
north-north-west wrote:peregrinator wrote: This is Shtrzticczky Schtuctzff!
Look, his name was Strzelecki. Can't you *&%$#! Anglophones get anything right?
crollsurf wrote:Here is what I believe is the correct pronunciation of Kosciuszko, "Kos-choos-ko"
I've always thought it disrespectful to mispronounce countries, places etc but fact is, some names are impossible for us to pronounce. The most recent for me was Qatar. Native speakers will tell you it's pronounced like Guitar with a K "Kr-tar". But they're only being polite, the correct way to pronounce Qatar is impossible for us English speakers without a lot of practice.
Zapruda wrote:If only we had the same respect for indigenous place names...
rcaffin wrote:Me, I refuse to even acknowledge the latest name change. It was originally named without the Z, and so it should remain. The rest is just PC.
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