I'm sure many people on the forum have camped at Cathedral Reserve in Mt Wilson. More than a few would have walked north along the track to the Wollangambe River. Not only does this track offer some stunning views, it also provides access to the extremely popular Wollangambe Two lilo trip, as well as a number of technical canyons.
What most people don't realise is that about 800m of that track (the part through the tall rainforest with stunning tree ferns) is on private property. The same family has owned it for decades and they've always provided access to canyoners and bushwalkers, but there's no easement or road reserve to legally guarantee that access. That means the purchaser of this land would be completely within their rights to shut down public access.
The block contains 70 acres of pristine rainforest, so really should be added to the neighbouring national park. It could also provide a new camping area to help ease the pressure on Cathedral Reserve.
I've been told National Parks have money available for land acquisitions, so are capable of purchasing this land and ensuring access is maintained.
It's important for NPWS to understand how significant this land is to recreational bushwalkers and canyoners, and how important it is to maintain public access to the area.
Please take a moment to email the NPWS Blue Mountains Branch outlining the fact that you are a recreational bushwalker or canyoner who uses this track to access the surrounding national park, and you want them to urgently examine the purchase of the land or an access arrangement that provides a legal easement for the walking track.
Thanks in advance.