Friends and I were hoping to do this circuit walk in early/mid April in Kanangra: Kanangra Walls - Gingra range to Kowmung river - up to Ti Willa plateau via Compagnoni pass - Mt Cloudmaker - Gangerang range - back to Kanangra walls.
I've done this walk a few times in the past, but all before the bushfires of 2019/2020. I see from other posts in this forum that there is a lot of overgrowth in the area post-fires which makes the going tough.
Has anyone been out there recently and have a view on what this walk would be like? In particular, is Compagnoni Pass still passable / useable post-fires? And are the main trails (Gingra and Gangerang ranges) really overgrown and difficult to get through, or relatively clear?
Thank you!