jonnosan wrote:marron wrote:I have accessed the junction of Koombanda, that other brook, and the Grose, by coming down essentially off Ikara.
Can I clarify, do you mean descending Ikara head itself? or the gully just to the east of the head (i.e. following the creek down from Girraween cave)?
I know of the climbers tracks down the gully and on to the grose (some off them are in openstreetmaps) but hadnt heard of any pass down from the actual head so would be interested to check that out.
Yeah sorry, should have been clearer, not the head itself, and yes, just the gully. I have had a little poke around - very little - and not found anything likely on the western side of Ikara ridge, from above or below.
The gully itself is much more easily accessed from the ridge on the eastern side of it though, rather than direct from Giraween. There's a track running from the gate at Mt Vic Rd (clearly visible on satelite view on google maps). It's a little bit steep/slippery/muddy to get to the creek where you then pick up the climbers track under the cliff line, but apart from that very clear. I have walked the section from Girraween to the lower part and it's rough going in parts, so I just use that eastern side track whenever I go down.
I haven't found a path or anything down to the Grose itself (save meandering animal pads), but there are some approaches that are certainly clearer than others.
There's the explorers track of course as well, but it seems to be pretty much covered over/gone on that north west side of Ikara. I've only ever found very minimal stretches of it. It's now 20 years since some of the trip reports of Keats et al finding bits of it under Ikara/Valhalla/Asgard - I think landslips and lawyer vine have any remnants very well hidden.