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Colo River: Flash flooding, & stranded livestock

PostPosted: Wed 05 Jan, 2011 8:16 am
by Pea Pod
The Colo River, near Sydney, has recently experienced massive flooding, which is captured here on video. The Colo rose 6-m in 24-hrs, stranding livestock, flooding farms, bridges, and machinery, reaching a peak height of 10.5-m.

This river is popular with Sydney-siders and tourists because of its beauty and proximity to Sydney. However, it can become very dangerous and thus its behaviour must be understood.

If ever you're thinking of going to the Colo to canoe, lilo, or swim in the Colo River, NSW, Australia? Know the river levels. Check the level at

Keep in mind that the gorge section of the Colo (upstream of where this footage was shot) is VERY different to the sections near Upper Colo, but both are prone to flash-flooding.

See to witness the rescue of a horse on the Colo, stranded in floodwaters, by canoeists in Dec-2010.

Re: Colo River: Flash flooding, & stranded livestock

PostPosted: Wed 05 Jan, 2011 6:10 pm
by Pteropus
That is an impressive flash flood and a great example of how quick water can rise when there has been a big dumping further up the catchment. Those kids playing on the bridge were asking for trouble though....lots of examples of people getting washed away in flood waters in the news lately.

Colo River: Flash flooding, & stranded livestock

PostPosted: Wed 05 Jan, 2011 6:43 pm
by Bluegum Mic
Colo is currently copping a bit of a drenching as we speak. Has been heavy looking falls since late this arvo. Impressive footage!

Re: Colo River: Flash flooding, & stranded livestock

PostPosted: Mon 10 Jan, 2011 10:24 am
by gido
Thinking about doing an overnigh hike somewhere around the Colo river. But from the footage seems like it could be a bit risky at this time of the year. Does anyone knows what's the river conditions at the moment. Maybe somebody has some advices? Keen to do a bit of a fishing as well. Would appreciate your opinions.


Re: Colo River: Flash flooding, & stranded livestock

PostPosted: Mon 10 Jan, 2011 9:07 pm
by kjbeath
See ... .plt.shtml Just about back to normal.

Most of the walks are further up river, so less of a risk, unless there was a lot of rain, and then just make sure to camp on the same side of the river as your car. I've never heard of anyone having problems.

Re: Colo River: Flash flooding, & stranded livestock

PostPosted: Mon 10 Jan, 2011 10:19 pm
by tom_brennan
The river height gauge at Upper Colo is the best indicator of the river conditions on the Colo ... .plt.shtml

Still up a little bit. Risk level not high, but it's likely to be flowing pretty quickly in the shallower sections. Might be challenging to cross without swimming.