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Chardon Canyon on Hollander River

PostPosted: Wed 04 May, 2011 12:24 pm
by melinda
Hi all,
Wondering if anybody has gone thru Chardon Canyon on the Hollander River in recent times???
IF NO ABSEILS, how big are the jumps, how easy are the jumps???

Re: Chardon Canyon on Hollander River

PostPosted: Wed 04 May, 2011 5:11 pm
by DaveNoble
No abseils - but swims. When I went there - we walked around it on the south-west side to the Tuglow River and climbed down near the falls. Wasn't too hard.


Re: Chardon Canyon on Hollander River

PostPosted: Wed 04 May, 2011 9:35 pm
by melinda
Hi Dave,
When you say,
....we walked around it on the south-west side to the Tuglow River and climbed down near the falls.

Do you mean you went up over the top of the hill to the top of Tuglow Falls and then down?
(Have been this way a few times.)
Or did you actually go through the canyon??
Trying to figure out if 'thru' is OK. :?:
My guess, from what I've seen of the river where it enters the canyon, is that there might be a few jumps but not sure.

Re: Chardon Canyon on Hollander River

PostPosted: Wed 04 May, 2011 11:57 pm
by DaveNoble
Only been that way once - a "few" years ago (1975), photos are at - ... anyon.html

You can see that we went through for a bit, then I think we got to a swim, so climbed out on the true right, and camped above Tuglow Falls by the look. Nothing too hard. You can see from clothes worn - that it was not a summer trip.


Re: Chardon Canyon on Hollander River

PostPosted: Thu 05 May, 2011 4:00 pm
by melinda
HI Dave,
The photos tell a great story.
Will give the actual canyon itself another go later in the year.
That river is pretty cold in winter.

Re: Chardon Canyon on Hollander River

PostPosted: Thu 02 Jun, 2011 2:17 pm
by sheerted
hi melinda! my dad owns the property that borders the area you mentioned, i am a frequent visitor to the area, i like to call it home. have been kicking around the area for nearly twenty years, went down the canyon 6 months ago. it's beautiful and rugged and wild. all the jumps can be easily down climbed or skirted high. just for fun i have traversed 90% of the canyon basically at water level, to see if i could stay dry, but the lower end has a short, unavoidable swim. if you need any further info u can contact me anytime, email or private message :-)

Re: Chardon Canyon on Hollander River

PostPosted: Thu 02 Jun, 2011 11:20 pm
by melinda
Hi sheerted,
Great to hear from you.
Imagine growing up with that area as your playground, awesome!
I try to do a trip in that area once a year.
Normally go over the top of the canyon on the west side, then down the old track near Tuglow Falls.
But thinking about a trip thru it later in the year. (When it is a bit warmer)
Love Black Banksia and Box Creek Falls! (And the old fisherman't hut upstream.)
Will contact you closer to time when we go thru.
You would be welcome like to join us!
And welcome to the forum, pretty nice crowd, always very helpful!