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6 foot track

PostPosted: Tue 17 May, 2011 6:25 pm
by lorddas
Im doing the 6 foot track mid next week, im just wondering if anyone has done it recently and can tell me if there is water available at the camp sites


Re: 6 foot track

PostPosted: Thu 19 May, 2011 7:37 pm
by odnuas
There is usually water in the tanks at Black Range and Cox's River sites. I'd treat the water just to be sure.

Re: 6 foot track

PostPosted: Mon 23 May, 2011 2:18 pm
by wildwalks
I did it a few months ago and there was plenty of water then.
Cox's river there is always plenty of water.
Black range does run the risk of vandalism at the water tank, but the tank was fine and full when I was there. There is a smaller second tank attached to the toilets (for hand washing) if the main tank is dry.
in the unlikely event Black range is dry, it is not to far to civilization. I make sure I have some spare water just in case.
Yes, do treat the water before drinking.
Enjoy the walk.
If you like a bit of comfort the 6FT lodge is a great nights stay for the first night.
(you can get track notes here if you want
Happy walking
Matt :)

Re: 6 foot track

PostPosted: Sat 28 May, 2011 2:13 pm
by lorddas
There was plenty of water at both locations, which was good. Quite an enjoyable walk, except for the 20 odd kms of uphil on the second day. The 3 of us that did it agreed that the first day was the best day in terms of it being interesting and things to see, found a turtle just after the stockyards near nellies glen which was cool. That bowtell bridge was awesome. Just a shame there was so much walking on firetrails, not that it could really be avoided.

Re: 6 foot track

PostPosted: Sun 29 May, 2011 3:00 pm
by odnuas
It may be sacrilege to say it, but its actually one of the more over-rated walks! I would say both ends of the walk are the best parts - Nellies Glen and the path down into Jenolan.

Re: 6 foot track

PostPosted: Mon 30 May, 2011 11:30 am
by wildwalks
odnuas wrote:It may be sacrilege to say it, but its actually one of the more over-rated walks!

Certainly not sacrilege in my view.
I think the 6ft is popular partly becuase of the great start and end. But mostly because it is well signposted with plenty of facilities along the way.
Making it a popular walk for people who like the idea of overnight bushwalking but are not yet comfortable with walking in more remote areas.
There is a lot of management trail and dirt road walking, But they are relatively isolated so there can still be a sense of remoteness for many people. And chuck in a bit of history.
Not a walk I would recommend for an experienced walker wanting a wilderness experience. But I still a popular walk, great for lots of people.
Similar to a lot of 'hill' walking in England, where you get to walk across farm and other open land.
Matt :)

Re: 6 foot track

PostPosted: Fri 03 Jun, 2011 4:54 pm
by Steve73
odnuas wrote:It may be sacrilege to say it, but its actually one of the more over-rated walks! I would say both ends of the walk are the best parts - Nellies Glen and the path down into Jenolan.

It is an extremely overrated walk IMO. I run it quite a bit and it's fantastic for that, but as a walk I'm afraid it's very boring apart from maybe 5-10km at the most.