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Sassafras road conditions

PostPosted: Tue 24 May, 2011 8:02 am
by buggeriamold
Hi All,

We are heading in the Budawangs over the up coming long weekend & I was wondering what the road conditions into the Sassafras car park are like at the moment.

Anyone been there recently?


Re: Sassafras road conditions

PostPosted: Tue 24 May, 2011 2:18 pm
by odnuas
Hi Mark,

Do you mean the Nerriga road, or the track down to the locked gate at Sassafras? I was there a few months ago. The track down to the gate has some pretty decent bumps down near the final gate but I was in a standard sedan. Anything with reasonable clearance would be fine.

Re: Sassafras road conditions

PostPosted: Tue 24 May, 2011 2:45 pm
by buggeriamold
Thanks for that,

yes, I was talking about the track after you turn off the Neriga Rd.

Its probably 12 months sense I was out that way, at that time they were doing road works on that section of Neriga Rd & I wasnt even sure you could have got onto the track! Good to know its still usable & hasent been closed.


Re: Sassafras road conditions

PostPosted: Tue 24 May, 2011 4:51 pm
by climberman
biao - the Nerriga Road between Nowra and Nerriga is now complete and fully sealed. AFAIK access to the sassafras track was never restricted for anything other than short term construction periods (ie small parts of a day), as this was both a commitment to Parks and a neccessity to keep open private property access.

Re: Sassafras road conditions

PostPosted: Tue 24 May, 2011 8:18 pm
by buggeriamold
Thanks Guys.

Re: Sassafras road conditions

PostPosted: Wed 25 May, 2011 11:01 pm
by Ndevr
Was there early April.
The dirt road to Sassafras carpark was rough.
Allow 20+ minutes to get through the 5+ gates to the final gate/carpark.
We were dropped off in a ute, however it bottomed out a few times and there were a few mudholes due to recent rain.
We felt sorry for our driver and his ute, so we got out and walked the last km to the carpark/final gate.
Having said that it could be done in a sedan, with due care, but not recommended in poor weather conditions.
Enjoy your hike!

Re: Sassafras road conditions

PostPosted: Fri 27 May, 2011 7:36 am
by buggeriamold
Thanks Ndevr.