Budawangs nr Endrick R - Extinction of public right of way
Posted: Wed 27 Jul, 2011 10:59 am
"They hang the man, and flog the woman, that steal the goose from off the common.
But let the greater villain loose, that steals the common from the goose!" - Anon
TL;DR: The local land owner is attempting to close and own the roads permitting access to Round Mt and Endrick R walking tracks in the Budawangs. It is possible to object, and may be possible to prevent this.
I was planning a hike around Mt Quilty when I read some reports http://bit.ly/prj3s9 and http://bit.ly/pdOaBf suggesting that access via Michael Dowling's Hut was constrained. I've read other similar reports.
I wanted to clear up issues of access, so enquired of NPWS Nowra about the status of access. The woman to whom I spoke seemed to bridle when I mentioned the possibility of public rights of way, her response was "it's Private Property" (and you could hear the capitals in her speech.
So I contacted Palerang LGA, on 21/07/2011, and asked some questions about the rights of way. One of the officers there happened to mention that there's a pending application (pending since 2006) to purchase some of the roads around there.
I plotted the relevant cadastral information for the lots, and posted https://groups.google.com/d/topic/aus.b ... discussion to aus.bushwalking mailing list, asking for more information and giving what information I had, including the cadastral plot http://bit.ly/qVOCfJ and a graphic of the rights of way in question http://bit.ly/nvbwfI
I also spoke to the LPMA 'roads team' in Nowra who administer the Crown Lands Act wrt enclosing roads. I was given to understand that the applications in question by Geoffrey Norman Woodham lodged in 2006 are referenced GB 07 H 379 and GB 06 H 33 and handled by a case officer who is on leave until 22th August.
In view of the possibility of the whole deal being done, and the right of way extinguished forever, I sent the enclosed objections to the nominated contact, who acknowledged their receipt and inclusion in the file with the following "Your objections have been received, they have been placed with the file, the case officer ... is on leave until 22nd August, your objections will be looked into on her return." Note that the objections have been received and will be looked into ... this is significant in view of my next interaction with NPWS.
Yesterday, 26/07/2011, I spoke to the NPWS officer who is dealing with this area. My impression of him is that NPWS is sympathetic to preserving public access.
From my contemporaneous notes: I believe NPWS only became aware of this late in the proceedings, that they have negotiated a right of access for NPWS - but do not know if this extends to members of the public or authorised by NPWS. NPWS reported that no objections at all had been lodged, that the time available for objections to be lodged had expired, and that the application had been approved, and a letter of offer has issued. This is a curious representation, given what the LPMA told me, and it sounds as if LPMA has misinformed NPWS, or me, or possibly both.
I think objections are still timely, and even urgently necessary.
Given this potentially imminent irreversible state, I emailed the relevant Minister with an application under S56 of the Crown Lands Act asking him to create a public easement over the land comprising the public road, in case the road has been closed, but not yet sold. I hope this, alongside my objections, would at least forestall the enclosure long enough to do something about it.
It is unfortunate that the Act permitting people to close public roads and extinguish public rights of way doesn't require those people to publish their intent widely, just a letter to neighbors and a classified ad in the local rag will do it, even when the closure could impact people all over the state, as this could.
I was instructed by LPMA/LPI to email my objections (citing the application references GB 07 H 379 and GB 06 H 33, and polite reasons for objecting) to michelle.batten@lpma.nsw.gov.au who will then place them on file for consideration by the case officer. The relevant minister is Greg Pearce MLC, office@pearce.minister.nsw.gov.au http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/prod/p ... mbers/3041 and he may also appreciate being apprised of what people think about this, and the entire subject of covert road closure.