A week ago I introduced myself over on the "Who are you" forum.
I'll now follow up in this forum that is focused on the region I'm planning to visit. Thanks so much to you folks who have already helped, and thanks in advance for more assistance. I have found most of the information I need by browsing these forums and other websites. So far, I have two concrete questions I haven't been able to resolve.
We'll be in New South Wales for six weeks in Sept-Oct 2011. 36 days of walking, all on foot except a few ferry rides. Rough camping along the way. Itinerary is:
1. walk The Great North Walk from Newcastle to Sydney
2. walk and ferry across Sydney
3. walk (with occasional wade/swim/boat) south along the coast all the way to Mallacoota, following the Great South Coast Walk route described by GangGang: http://www.gang-gang.net/nomad/ Thanks a ton to them for writing a great trip report; their report inspired us to take this trip.
4. bus from Mallacoota/Genoa to Wollongong, where we have a layover day to join a pelagic birding trip.
Question #1: On the Great North Walk, we are considering a slight variation to avoid the once-a-day reserve-in-advance ferry from Patonga to Brooklyn. As far as I can tell, the ferry from Little Wobby to Brooklyn runs many times per day and does not require advance reservation. To simplify our logistics and flexibility, we're thinking of leaving the Great North Route west of Woy Woy and heading to Little Wobby instead of to Patonga, following the "Little Wobby to Woy Woy" route described by WildWalks. Is there any reason this is not a good idea? From where we sit it looks OK, but it would be nice to have confirmation from somebody who is familiar with the area.
Question #2: I'm usually pretty skilled at digging up information, but I haven't been able to find an official website for the Comerong Island Ferry. The gang-gang trip report says the ferry runs on demand but only when a car demands it, not when the only passenger is on foot. The best info I've found is in a photo. Does anybody have advice or info about how often the ferry might run and whether we are at risk of waiting for hours if we show up, on foot, on the east (island) side of the crossing?
We're excited about this trip, looking forward to some nice coastal walking and a lot of great birds.
Amy & Jim, Palo Alto California, http://amyl.smugmug.com
You can see our planned route by loading the kml file into google earth: