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Good 4-Day Walks?

PostPosted: Sun 25 Sep, 2011 11:04 am
by HYDN9
I'm in a group looking to complete our Gold Duke of Ed Award in the summer holidays but we've had difficulty finding an appropriate 4 day walk.
Any suggestions?

btw it can't be the Yarramalong to Mt. Wondabyne Station section of the Great North Walk or the 6ft track as we have already done these.

Re: Good 4-Day Walks?

PostPosted: Mon 26 Sep, 2011 4:25 am
by Lindsay
Check out the Wildwalks site. That should give you plenty of options

Re: Good 4-Day Walks?

PostPosted: Thu 29 Sep, 2011 9:25 pm
by SteveJ
Nadgee/Howe wilderness track or the Wilderness track over the border from Mallacoota to Bemm river.

Re: Good 4-Day Walks?

PostPosted: Fri 30 Sep, 2011 12:07 pm
by phan_TOM
You could try the Yuraygir Coastal Walk,

its advertised as 65k's over 4 days following the coast from Angourie to Red Rock. Its not a wilderness style walk as it passes though a few small coastal villages but it is pretty scenic and there is the option to resupply along the way. I've done sections of it and can verify the ease of navigation in the area, you basically look out to sea and then decide if you want to go left (north) or right (south) :D This may not be demanding enough to win any DoE Awards though so it may not be what you're after?

Re: Good 4-Day Walks?

PostPosted: Sat 01 Oct, 2011 9:03 am
by tele-whippet
For our Gold DoE, many, many moons ago we did Kiandra to Kosi.

Re: Good 4-Day Walks?

PostPosted: Sat 01 Oct, 2011 11:48 am
by odnuas
Plenty of options in the Budawangs. Perhaps the Wog Wog - Burrumbeet Brook - Monolith Valley - Castle return option? Pretty full four days walking but a magnificent walk.