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Opera House Repairs

PostPosted: Mon 06 Feb, 2012 5:52 pm
by hikingoz
On a recent trip along the AAWT I brushed up on my knowledge of "Huts of the High Country" whilst at a certain stockman's hut on Valanetine Ck.

I read about the 'Opera House' which is considered one of the most remote huts in the park being at the bottom of Lady Northcote Canyon and accesible by some steep scrambling. It was damaged in the 2003 fires and was intended for repair as of 2010.

Does anyone know the current condition of this hut? I have so far been unable to find definite information.

Re: Opera House Repairs

PostPosted: Mon 06 Feb, 2012 5:56 pm
by wildwalks

Re: Opera House Repairs

PostPosted: Mon 06 Feb, 2012 6:03 pm
by hikingoz
Gee, don't know how I missed that.


Re: Opera House Repairs

PostPosted: Fri 10 Feb, 2012 5:54 pm
by north-north-west
How on earth did they get to it? Chopper?

Re: Opera House Repairs

PostPosted: Fri 10 Feb, 2012 8:10 pm
by DarrenM
Aqueduct track under the Crags.