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Arsenic Ridge to Brooks Hut KNP

PostPosted: Fri 20 Apr, 2012 3:00 pm
by tele-whippet
I haven't walked down Arsenic Ridge to Brooks Hut for many a year and was wondering if there was still a foot track or if it was scrubby and overgrown because of the 2003 fires?
Thanks in advance for any info.

Re: Arsenic Ridge to Brooks Hut KNP

PostPosted: Sun 22 Apr, 2012 4:38 pm
by Craig D
Hey Mr Whippet, we skied this in marginal snow last year whilst doing K2K. It was fairly open with clumps of snow gums from memory. You shouldn't have any dramas.

Been meaning to ask you how your WM Versalite is treating you. Is it satisfactory for all Australian snow conditions? Am thinking of upgrading :)

Re: Arsenic Ridge to Brooks Hut KNP

PostPosted: Mon 23 Apr, 2012 10:59 am
by tele-whippet
Thanks Craig, I'll report back in a few weeks if the old track is still there.
Pleased so far with the WM Versalite, only had it down to about -5*C so far. Hopefully it'll get a big work out this winter.

Re: Arsenic Ridge to Brooks Hut KNP

PostPosted: Fri 15 Jun, 2012 2:12 pm
by rcaffin
We went up it a few years ago, some years after the fires, in Spring. It was rather vague and lots of regrowth.
Be nice if it sort of got cleared again: it's an old Gold Fields route from the south.
Note: it goes on to Tabletop.


Re: Arsenic Ridge to Brooks Hut KNP

PostPosted: Mon 18 Jun, 2012 4:51 pm
by tele-whippet
Unfortunately the track apparently no longer exists, so we went across to Happy's then up.
Quite a few unhappy entries in the log book about bashing down Arsenic Ridge.