Numantia Falls
Posted: Sat 28 Apr, 2012 1:39 pm
A while back someone from this forum suggested that these falls were worth a visit and so I ducked up there this morning. A mate and I walked in from Faulconbridge on the Victory Track. At the junction with Sassafrass Creek a feint pad headed up Numantia Ck. which we followed easily enough. It led to the base of the falls which are quite pleasant and well worth the visit. Rather than retrace our steps we climbed up above the falls and continued up the creek. We then took a small creek on the left and ascended to an open rocky saddle on Sassafras Ridge. There was a feint track with some small tape markings. Here we walked east down a defined spur which brought us out at the junction with Sassafras Gully track. This was a very pleasant walk which I recommend. From there we continued down to Perch Ponds and went out to Springwood via Magdala Creek. A very pleasant way to spend the morning. Thank you for the tip whoever it was?