jjay wrote:I made of down the end of the road about 12 months ago...it was overgrown then....I then spent about 30 mins searching for the smaller track by the river but couldn't find much either.....it didn't look like anyone had been town there in years!
BillV wrote:I'd start from the Fishers track end for Nav reasons.......If you loose the track you can head south till you either come across Bunyip valley rd or Blue range rd which follows the crest of the ridge to the south........It is very overgrown.........
ornitorinca wrote:I'd love to hear how you go, GregR, and how you find the track. Hope it goes ok!
ornitorinca wrote:I'd love to hear how you go, GregR, and how you find the track. Hope it goes ok!
BillV wrote:Oh well done !!...........How far from the Switchback did you get onto the River rd?.....The next Spur down?........Be interesting to see a map of the trip.
BillV wrote:Yeah I though something like that........the Switchback being the horse head figure......there is a distinct spur that is visible from the switch back as well as 7 acre rock..........that extention off the end there do you think that is actuall track or later modifications? i'e fire access......
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